Sun? SUN?

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A/N Sorry about the slow uploads I get stuck on what to write sometimes. Anyways, TW Sun Angst, Mentions of SH if that worries you or can upset you in anyway, please skip this part

[Time skip]

.Solar PoV.

Me and Sun have been getting along well, thankfully, I think he's noticed I struggle with looking at him, it doesn't seem to bother Sun at all but still, I feel bad about it. I should have been able to let go by now right?
But anyway that doesn't matter im heading over to there's again now and- (Crashes were heard from Sun and moons house)

.Noones PoV.

"What the fuck?" Solar thought to himself, he ran into the house, opening the door quickly "Sun?" He said "SUN!?" He yelled, as he ran through the rooms endimg up in the kitchen where Sun sat on the floor, Sun was frantic, eyes darting around everywhere. As he locks eyes with Solar, who immediately walks up to him and sits down in front of him, there was a knife next to Sun, Solar picked it up and put it in his satchel, Solar hums a tune keeping eye contact with Sun. Suns breathing began to slow as Solars humming calmed him down,
When Sun was calm again he looked up at Solar
"I-i am so s- sorry I-i-i" Suns stuttering was annoying him as it normally does but Solar shushed him carefully
"Sun, it's ok, I don't care what happened. I care if you are ok, are you hurt? At all?" Solar spoke softly and stern.
"I-i don't think so- st ow" Sun gripped his right arm, there were cuts on Suns arm relatively deep ones too, "O-oh my g-od Solar- i-i swear I didn-t" Sun stuttered panicked, He felt Solars hand on his arm, Solar took out some bandages and wrapped them around his arm, carefully not to hurt him, the bandages were wrapped perfectly around Sun, Solar had done it with ease
"I- Solar?" Sun spoke
"It's ok, you're ok, I'm here," Solar spoke still maintaining some eye contact with Sun
"I'm thankful you are,  I-I don't know how you did this so easily" Sun spoke, he's so thankful to have such a cool cousin
"I... Had practice." Solar looked at Sun a little sad to admit it.
"O-oh, O-OH! I'm so sorry" Sun spoke
"It's fine this is about you not me" Solar knew what he was doing, right now Sun was the focus not him.
"O-h, tha-nks"
"It's ok Sun,"
Solar holds out his arms for Sun,
"Need a hug bud?"
"I need a lot more, but thanks" Sun hugs Solar, and Solar hugs back carefully,
The two start talking about their day, still hugging,
"Thanks Solar, you're awesome! I don't think anyone tells you that enough" Sun said
"Thanks, you are too, No one gives you the credit you deserve here, you're smart, sure, you aren't Maths smart, but there's other types of smart too, you're good good with kids, emotions, your an unlicensed therapist who needs alor more credit for what you do"
Sun sat in somewhat silence, Smart? No one had ever called him that before let alone from "the man for everything, Solar" he was the dumb one and he always believed that. but, Solar was right there are other types of smart and Sun was it He could work with kids, that something Moon could never do.
Sun started to cry
"S-sun? Are you alright?" Solar said with concern
"Y-yeah! No one's called me Smart before- i-im not used to it-" there were tears falling down his face as Solar carefully huged him again,
"Well they need to start, and if no one else does it's gonna be me, I'll set a timer daily. To message you or tell you" Solar spoke, it sounded like he was joking but he was 100% serious, Sun needed to be reminded.
"Haha, haha thank you Solar." Sun spoke through laughter as the top continued to talk about their day.
"Also Solar?"
"Yeah Sun?"
"Good job on the eye contact, I know you struggle with it especially with me,"
"O-oh, thanks. I was more focused on making sure you were ok then Anything"
"Thank you."

.Sun PoV.
Solar's so sweet sometimes, he's like a puppy. No Wonder where Jack gets it from,
I know he only likes to be called a cousin
He's more like a brother to me then Moon has ever been.

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