All three together again

201 13 2

A/N: Small TW: Mentions of an eating disorder,

Sun and Solar sat down for breakfast as the two started eating, or well, Sun did, Solar walked upstairs for a min and then came back down,
"Hi" Said Solar
"Hey" Sun replied to him
"What did you just do?" Sun asked
"I was giving food to Moon," Solar replied
Sun asked in shock, because there were only two plates
"What about you?" Sun asked,
"I don't eat, I'll be fine anyway" Solar replied
"Are you sure you can have some of mine?"
"Nono I'm fine, I don't need to eat, it makes me feel sick anyway"
"Oh ok, I won't force you" Sun said
"Thanks, please don't" Solar replied
The two sat in comfy silence until Moon came down

"Hey, what did I wake up to" Moon asked
"Pancakes I made" Solar replied
"Oh, why?"
"Cause I made pancakes for you and Sun"
"What about you?"
"I don't eat. Nor do I like to eat"
"Ah, fair I guess"
The three were silent for a bit
"K well, how have you too been?" Moon asked
"Huh? Oh i-ive been fine" Sun said
"Mhm, we've been hanging a lot lately" Solar replied
"I've noticed, you two are getting close. That's good. But Solar you didn't answer me. Are you ok?"
"O-oh, yeah I'm fine, don't worry."
"Cool, I was hoping we all could hang out," Moon said,
"Sure!" Sun said
"I don't mind" Solar smiled at them all,
Finally all three together the three hung out the whole day, all talking about their own things amongst each other but happy
"Should we tell him?" Sun asked Solar
"Nono, it might upset him and I don't want that" solar replied
"That's true, I wish emotions were easier"
"Ugh, same."

Moon walked up to them
"What ya on about?" He asked
"AH- Oh heya Moonie"
Solar jumped behind Sun
"Jesus Moon, don't do that" Solar said
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, didn't mean to frighten you both" Moon said
"But c'mon, something is happening!!" Moon walks over waving at them as the two follow
"Look," Moon says
As the three look up to a Solar Eclipse,
"O-oh wow" Sun saids as Solar is in pure silence, watching
Moon turns around to the house, up there he sees someone he can't make it out but they wave at him, so he waves back
"Moon?" Sun asks
"Oh sorry, there was someone on the roof" he replies
"Oh?" He turns as they wave at Sun too
"Oh yeah, they're a friend, a ghost actually but that's ok" Sun says to Moon as Rise fades away once again
"Oooh, ok, Solar seems happy," Moon says,
"Yeah, he does" Sun said
"Makes a change" Moon replied
"Yeah..." Sun said

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