Chapter Twenty Six

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I spent the entire day buzzing with the thought of spending time with Dallas later on

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I spent the entire day buzzing with the thought of spending time with Dallas later on. Every time I attempted to get some work done my thoughts drifted back to the man that had consumed my brain. Letting out a sigh I pushed all thoughts of Dallas to the back of my mind and focused on the boring emails in front of me. They weren't anything majorly important but they needed to be sorted through.

A knock sounded on the office door I had claimed as my own and before I had time to speak it was opening and revealing Dallas who's wet hair was swept back. He was a mouthwatering sight in his loose jeans and tight t-shirt, all thoughts of whatever I had been working on disappeared from my mind and all thoughts of him replaced them.

"Keep looking at me like that and we won't make it for dinner"

"Nope we aren't skipping dinner, you must be hungry after training" He pauses for a moment running his eyes all over my body as I stand up from the desk and walk towards him.

"Oh I'm starving baby" From the way that he was looking at me I don't think he was hungry for food.

"Stop" I swatted his chest and packed up the remainder of my things.

With a smirk on his lips he grabs my bag from me and slings it over his shoulder along with his training bag. Without thinking I reach out to lace my fingers with his only to come to my senses and pull away. It was easy to forget the situation we were in when I was with Dallas, all I wanted to do was hold his hand in public but we weren't in a relationship and I didn't want my dad to be mad at me or anyone to get the wrong idea.

"You can hold my hand Angel" He whispers and I almost do until I hear a few voices of the guys and decide against it. A pout forms on my lips but Dallas doesn't question me and he doesn't push me.

As always he opens the truck door for me and waits until I put on the seatbelt to close the door and walk around to the other side. I watch as he climbs into his side and my eyes widen as he grabs me by the nape of my neck and slams his lips against mine. Immediately I melt into the kiss and lace my fingers through the damp strands of his hair, I try my hardest to keep up with his impossible pace and my heart flutters when he smiles against me.

"I'm only not claiming you in public out of respect for your relationship with your dad. If it was up to me, the whole world would know who you belong to" I was stunned as I watched him with wide eyes at his statement.

"Close your mouth Angel you'll catch flies" He winks at me and starts up the truck.

I turned up the radio to drown out the silence on my end as Dallas started to drive to wherever we were heading.

"Did I freak you out Evangeline? You're never this quiet" He turns down the music and looks over at me before his eyes drift back to the road.

"No, you didn't freak me out" I admit squirming in my seat ever so slightly.

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