| Chapter 3 |

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Miyeon arrived at the address Minnie had sent her. It was a small house, not too big, but big enough to understand that Nicha was rich.

The redhead rang the bell, waiting for a few minutes. The gate opened in front of her, better showing the external structure of the house.

The house also had a swimming pool and a garage, but strangely a car and a motorbike were parked in the driveway.

The front door was open and Nicha was there, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Miyeon felt embarrassed, but for some reason, Minnie made her feel safe. She knew she could trust her.

The redhead hurried to the entrance of the house, greeting the sculptress.

"Thank you so much for accepting, Miyeon." the Thai said, closing the door behind her, leading the girl into the house.

The two reached the kitchen and Minnie took a tray with a jug of water and two glasses.

"Are you hungry?" Nicha asked, looking at Miyeon.

The girl didn't know what to say, so she simply shrugged.

"Mmh..." Minnie murmured, thinking of something. "Do you like pancakes? Or a slice of chocolate cake? Or... some fruit?"

The redhead blushed, looking at Nicha.

"I'm not very hungry at the moment." Miyeon said.

"Okay, maybe later." Minnie said, before picking up the tray. "Come on." she continued, showing the girl the way. "Did you have trouble finding the place?"

"No, even though I wasn't very sure that this was the place, I expected it a little less..."

"Luxurious?" Minnie asked, stopping in front of a door, turning to the redhead.

"I don't want to sound rude, but yes."

"Don't worry." Nicha said, smiling. "Since I was little I have been very famous because of my parents. My family was the richest in Thailand and-"

"Are you Thai??" the girl asked in surprise. "Sorry, I interrupted you, go on."

"Don't apologize." Nicha reassured her, smiling. "Yes, I'm Thai. However, when I became a sculptor, people already knew me, so thanks to fame and my skills I was immediately successful in the field. When I came here to Korea I was quite famous in the arts and engineering fields. Soon I'll have an exhibition and I was missing one last work, and the main and protagonist of the work will be you."

Nicha explained, before opening the door behind her, revealing her garage. Now Miyeon explained why the vehicles were parked outside.

The room had the floor covered with pages of old newspapers, there were some barrels of paint and metal pieces, as well as several sheets of sketches with photos of the completed works on the sides. There was a scaffold used as a storage area for tools as well as several prototype busts and body pieces in different materials.

A gas mask hung on the wall and there was marble and dried clay debris in the corners of the floor. In the center of the room there was a cube, with signs of green tape marking very specific points. On the opposite side, a stool and a smaller cube, on which there was a large piece of clay covered in plastic.

"Be careful, I don't want you to get hurt." Minnie said, placing the tray on the desk where more sketches were scattered.

Miyeon noticed the sketch of her portrait hanging next to the desk, detached from the others.

"Can I know why my portrait is separated from the others?" Miyeon asked, leaning in to look.

Minnie approached her, looking at the drawing.

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