| Chapter 6 |

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It had now been three weeks since Miyeon had last been at Nicha's house.

It seemed like an eternity had passed, but being there again, in front of the entrance gate was strange.

Miyeon was trying to push away her feelings and being there she knew it would be a trap.

She still loved Nicha, still wanted her caresses and hugs. She wanted one more kiss.

But she couldn't.

She could not.

Ever since she was a young girl she had been told it was wrong.

Loving someone of the same sex was against nature. She couldn't fall in love with a girl.

The body of a man and a woman were like pieces of a puzzle, destined to be together. This was what they had always told her.

But what was wrong? What was wrong with loving? What is the difference between loving a man or a woman? The important thing was to love.

Miyeon felt that loving Nicha was the right choice she could have made, but then... Why was it so difficult to accept herself for who she really was?

Miyeon took a deep breath, ringing the doorbell of the sculptress' house.

For days Miyeon had kept the dress that Minnie had lent her to model and only now had she gathered a little courage to return it to her.

The redhead waited a few minutes, but no one answered. Miyeon pushed the door open, finding it open, heading towards the front door.

The house's lights were turned off and the front door was closed.

Miyeon sighed, ready to leave. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad that she hadn't found anyone, but her heart ached. She wanted to see Minnie at least one last time.

The redhead walked towards the exit, looking around, when she saw the door leading to the garage open, with a brick preventing it from closing.

Miyeon thought about leaving the envelope in Nicha's studio and leaving, saving both of them the pain of seeing each other again.

The redhead walked through the door, but the room was almost completely dark, only the study lamp on Minnie's workbench was on.

Miyeon turned on the flashlight on her phone, pointing it up, seeing the bloody statue.

The redhead backed away in terror, shining the flashlight into the room, seeing Nicha lying on the floor, unconscious. The sculptress' hands were bloody and her forehead had a cut on it, perhaps caused by the fall.

Miyeon fumbled for a switch, lighting up the room, before running to the girl.

Minnie's body was hot, but her hands were frozen with fresh blood leaking from the wounds.

Miyeon was scared, she feared the worst. The redhead took her into her arms, lifting her head, making her rest her head on her legs.

"M-Min... Min, please... s-say something." Miyeon whispered, caressing the girl's face, but nothing.

The redhead took a deep breath, standing up, carrying Nicha to her room.

Miyeon laid Minnie on the bed, undressing her. Since the day the two said goodbye, Minnie had not moved from that studio. She left it only to go to the bathroom or to freshen her face, in the hope of staying awake as long as possible, in the hope that her muse would return to visit her.

Despite the bloodstains, sweat and marble dust on her body, Minnie was perfumed, as only she could be.

Her body was hot, but she was shaking like a leaf. Miyeon couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Nicha had started crying in her sleep again, while shaking due to the fever.

Miyeon took care of her, dressing her wounds, taking a wet cloth, trying to refresh her body to reduce her fever.

"M-Mi—Yeon..." Minnie murmured, sobbing."M-Miyeon... come back to me"

Miyeon started sobbing. She couldn't bear to see Nicha in that condition.

The redhead leaned down, placing a kiss on the girl's forehead. Then another, on her cheek, remaining still.

"I'm here." she whispered into the girl's cheek as she caressed her head.

Nicha slowly opened her eyes, smiling faintly.

"M-My beautiful Aphrodite... my Dahlia." she whispered, tears still falling down her face. "Y-You came back to me... Or maybe it's a hallucination?"

"No... No, I'm here, Min."

Minnie extended a hand, bringing it to Miyeon's face. Her arm felt heavy, but she didn't care.

Nicha began to trace Miyeon's face, forcing her eyes to stay open, she didn't want to miss even a moment of that beauty, for fear that the redhead would vanish into thin air.

"You're beautiful," she whispered, cupping the girl's cheeks in her cold hands. "I love you so much... I love you so much that all the words in the world wouldn't be enough to describe it."

Miyeon started to cry, bringing her face closer to Minnie's, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too... I love you." she whispered.

Nicha leaned up slightly, capturing Miyeon's lips in a bittersweet kiss.

The redhead kissed her back, while her tears fell on the Thai's face, mixing with hers.

The two smiled as they hugged each other, sharing a soft kiss.

Minnie pulled away, looking at Miyeon with narrowed eyes.

"You are so beautiful... my beautiful Dahlia... my Miyeon." she whispered with a sweet smile on her lips, before losing consciousness in the redhead's arms.

Miyeon suppressed a sob, watching Nicha rest with that sweet smile on her lips, while she could do nothing but mirror her, as she caressed her cheeks.

"Min, I love you... I love you more than anything... Help me to accept a love as beautiful as the one you give me... please... help me."

The redhead gave one last kiss on the girl's lips, trying with all her strength to let go of her grip on Minnie's hand, before getting up.

Miyeon left a post-it on the bedside table, along with a couple of pills, before leaving the house, tears still streaming down her face.

To Be Continued...

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