Chapter 25

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1 month later. Matteo is getting out of the hospital. Matteo helped Clementine a bit. It worked because Clementine only talks to Matteo, and not Layla, Leah and Julian. Matteo is being there for Clementine through this hard time for her. Layla is in the hospital somewhere alone. Layla was sitting on a chair, she has the voice recording in her hands. Layla looks at it. Layla sighs. Layla said just press the button Layla, you can do it. Layla takes a deep breath. Layla press the button to put it on. Layla hears the hole conversation that Julian and Alexander had and was so shocked about she heard. After a while the voice recording stops. Layla said I cant believe, that Mark and Matteo is not related, and Julian did all of that to Miguel, and a man called Ryan Campbell is Matteo's real father and he doesn't even know, Julian is a very horrible person, that has to die. Layla put the voice recording in her pocket. Julian comes into the room. Julian said there you are Layla, Matteo is finally getting out of this place, we need your help. Layla stands up. Layla looks at Julian, and gives him a dirty look. Julian said why did you give me a dirty look? In an angry tone. Layla said lets go to Matteo's room. Julian said you lead the way then. Layla and Julian walked to the hallway, where Matteo's room is at. Leah said you found her. Mark said where was she? Layla said I was by myself, I wanted to do something. Julian said Clementine go help Matteo, pack his things.

Clementine nods her head. Clementine walks into Matteo room. Clementine said need help? Matteo looked at Clementine. Matteo said sure. Clementine picked up the suitcase from the ground and tried to lift it. Matteo walks to Clementine. Matteo helps Clementine pick up the suitcase, they place it on the bed. Clementine said what have you packed in there? It weighs like a ton. Matteo said I haven't packed anything in the suitcase, why is it so heavy? Clementine punched the suitcase very hard. They both heard an oww! In the suitcase. Matteo unzip and sees a Mexican dude in the suitcase. Clementine said who are you! In a loud tone. The Mexican dude goes out of the suitcase and stands up. The Mexican said my name is Miguel Sanchez, pleasure to meet your both acquaintances. Miguel put a hand out to them. Clementine said you're the other Mafia boss!? In an scared tone. Matteo said I don't shake hands with Mexicans. Miguel said there's another Mafia boss? Matteo said that's none of your business. Clementine said yes there is, His Name is Julian Garcia, he is from Italy. Miguel said I was looking for him, where is he now? Clementine said why are you trying to find him? Matteo said Clementine don't talk to him, he's bad news. Miguel said because I had unfinished business with him. Clementine said why cant I talk to him? Matteo said I tell you later. Miguel said Matteo Clifford I assume, the King's son. Matteo said could be. Layla comes in. Layla said what taking you two so long? Miguel looked at Layla. Miguel said who are you? In an confused tone Miguel was confused. Layla said my name is Leah Willow Frazier, what's your name? Matteo said his name is Miguel Sanchez, He's Alejandro Father. Layla said he has to get out of here right now! In an worried tone. Miguel said do you mean Alexander? Clementine said are you Alexander's Dad? Matteo said he is. Miguel said and you are? Layla said her name is Caitlyn. Matteo put an arm around Clementine waist. Matteo said and she's my best friend, I do anything for her. Layla said I can get you out of this place, because I know what happened between you and Julian. Miguel said why should I trust you? Layla said because what Julian did was so horrible, and he has to you know. Miguel knows that she means die. Miguel said ok, we have to get out of here as fast as we can. Matteo said Layla! Don't help him! He kidnapped Sofia! She didn't die! In an angry tone. Clementine said is that true Matt? In an shocked tone. Layla said we talked about it later. Miguel walked to the window. Matteo said yes! In an angry tone. Miguel opened the window. Clementine was shocked. Layla said Matteo, don't tell he was here. Matteo didn't looked at Layla. Matteo said I can decide. In an disappointed tone. Layla and Miguel went out of the window. Clementine said how? Are they alive? Matteo tell Clementine, what the Doctor said to him. Clementine said that's why you didn't be nice to him. Matteo said and I am disappointed that Layla trusts him, even though they just met. Clementine said let's just pack your things. Matteo said ok.

After they packed Matteo things into the suitcase. Matteo zips the suitcase up. Clementine knows something up with Matteo. Clementine said are you ok? Matt. Matteo put on fake smile. Matteo said of course. In an a happy tone. Mark, Julian and Leah entered the room. Leah said are you finish packing? Clementine nod her head. Matteo said yes. Mark said where did Layla go? Julian said don't ask me, I think Layla is upset with me for something. Matteo said why? Leah said maybe Layla went back to the castle. Julian said because she was acting cold towards me, and she gave me a dirty looked when I found her. Clementine wanted to tell them where Layla is. Mark said Clementine, do you have something you wanted to share with us? Clementine looked at Matteo. Matteo said its up to you, if you want to tell them or not. Clementine looks at her father. Clementine said your enemy Miguel, lives in the land, me and Matteo saw him while we looked out of the window. Mark said who's Miguel? Matteo said he's another Mafia boss. Leah said are you sure he lives in this land? Clementine said yes. Matteo said we are sure of it. Mark said so Miguel is dangerous? Julian said yes, he's my other enemy. Mark said you have me as a Enemy, and now you have your old Enemy back. Leah said something happened between Julian and Miguel. Layla comes in the room. Layla said what did I miss? Leah said where were you? Mark said you went into this room and just disappeared.

Julian saw Layla face and she looks guilty. Julian said Layla, did you do something that you not suppose to? Layla said no. Clementine said what happened between you and Miguel? Julian told them, about that Miguel tortured Julian family, and when they were begging for death, Miguel did the most painful way to kill them. Matteo said wow. Layla thought Julian was telling a lie. Mark said Miguel has to die. Leah thought Julian was telling the truth, because Julian told her the same thing. Leah said so that what happened, between Julian and Miguel. Clementine said he deserves to die, after what he put you through father. Layla said I can track down Miguel house for you Julian, and when I found him, I can take him to you, so you can kill him, after what he's done. Julian said thank you Layla. Layla said no problem. Matteo said Miguel has to answer to us, me and Clem can helped you find his house, when Clementine is better. Clementine said better? What do you mean by that? Matteo said when you stop doing this bad things you are doing. Clementine said ok, I tried to stopped but I cant. Matteo said I will help you.

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