Chapter 41

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Clementine said Matteo, can I tell them? Matteo said sure go ahead. Clementine said well, where do I start? Hmmm I know, me and Matteo was enemies to start off with, and Leah was trapped in a dungeon for 8 years, then she escaped because of Julian, and then Julian and Leah teamed up to try to overrule Mark and assassinated him, then me and Matteo got into a fight in school, and the 5 of us were in an meeting at the school, and Mark found out that Julian and Leah is working together, and then Julian go to the police station, and planned Mark to get his son Matteo taken away from him, but that didn't worked, then right after that, Julian and Leah killed fuzzy wuzzy the bear, Matteo found out he was a dragon, then Julian and Layla got into a massive agreement and Julian, throw a glass at Mark eye, but was meant to throw it at the wall near Layla to scare her out of his house, then we all found out that Julian and Leah got pregnant with Sofia, and then Mark, Layla and Matteo build a house for Me, Julian, Leah and Sofia then Mark and Julian made peace, and then Alexander forced Matteo to tell Julian about mine and Alexander relationship, Matteo tried to Tell me about Alexander true colures but it didn't work, Julian and mine relationship wasn't very good, and Alexander was filling all sort of bad things about Julian, and I believed him, then Alexander burned down the mansion and frame Mark for it, and everyone believe that Mark did it except from Layla, and Alexander saved Julian from the collapsed of the mansion, then We all thought that Sofia was dead but Maria and Miguel kidnapped her, and Matteo was in a comma for 4 years and I was changed for the Badder and I had started drinking and smoking all the time because I wanted to the pain to go away, and I was damaging my body and my brain, but I didn't even care, and I was taken drugs. Leah said we did try to warn you from the dangers. Layla said and we tried to stopped you, but you didn't even talk to any of us. Clementine said sorry, then we all think that Matteo was going to die, we all said our goodbyes, but Matteo waked up when I was saying my goodbyes to him. Mark said I was hard to say goodbye. Leah said I didn't want to say goodbye to Matteo. Matteo said thank you. Leah said no problem. Clementine said then A month Latter Matteo was getting out of the hospital, and I was only talking to him, then Layla found out what my father did to Miguel, me and Matteo met Miguel because he was hiding in Matteo's suitcase, Matteo didn't trust him at all, and said to me to not to talk to Miguel. Layla said that's why I gave you a dirty looked Julian. Julian said I known something was up with you, you didn't seem to like me very much and now I know why. Clementine said Then Layla come into the room and saw Miguel and and Layla helped Miguel escaped from the window. Julian said for goodness sake! Can I even trust you Layla!? In an angry tone. Layla said yes, I only helped Miguel because I didn't know what Miguel did to you, I only known back then that you did what you did to Miguel. Julian said fair enough. Clementine said I told you guys that Miguel was living in the land of Salom and I lied to you, by saying that Matteo saw him when he was looking out of the window, then Layla Came back into the room, and Julian saw Layla face because I think Julian thought that Layla did something that she wasn't meant to do, Then Julian told us what Miguel did to Julian family, and we all believed him. Julian said why did you lie? Clementine said because I didn't want Layla get into any trouble. Julian said ok. Layla said I didn't believe Julian for a second. Matteo said and why was that? Layla said because I just thought Julian made up it, because I heard what he did to Miguel.

Clementine said ok, then Layla said to Julian that she will hunt down Miguel for him, so Julian can take care of him. Julian said but she didn't hunt down him, because she was on is side. Matteo said true. Clementine said then about six months Later, I stopped what I was doing because of Matteo, and I talked to everyone then not just to Matteo. Julian said I'm glad that you stopped when you did. Matteo said I'm happy that I was there for you Clem. Clementine said me to, thank you for being with me through all of that. Julian said I told him to do that. Clementine said so! If you didn't told him to do that! He probably wouldn't! in an angry tone. Julian said I didn't say that! In an angry tone. Matteo said I would have Clementine because I was worried for you. Clementine said ok. Layla said I was doing secret talks with Miguel, behind all of your backs and we were good friends, and I know Miguel kidnapped Sofia, but I didn't blamed him back then because that was payback on you Julian. Julian said your sneaky little! In an angry tone. Mark said don't say! What I thinking you going to say! In an angry tone. Julian said bugger! In an angry tone. Layla said sorry Julian. Julian said whatever! You didn't believe what he did to my family! In an angry tone. Clementine said Then me, Leah, Julian, Layla and Matteo was having dinner together, and me and Matteo found out the truth about Ryan Campbell being Matteo real father, and Maria didn't die from stage 4 from Cancer, and she wasn't my real mother, then Layla walked out of the house we were staying at, and Leah and Julian confess that Layla was telling the truth. Layla said I wouldn't stay silent any longer, Matteo and Clementine needed to hear the truth. Julian said I don't regret not telling Clementine. Matteo said why? Julian said because Clementine and Maria loved each other, and I didn't tell her after Maria "died" because Maria was in the past and there was no point of telling her because Maria was dead, or that what we thought. Leah said I do regret not telling Mark and Matteo that they were not related. Clementine said why? Leah said because I thought their relationship would be worsened, that when Mark was being nice and kind to Matteo. Mark said well was it worth it? Leah said yes it was because If I did tell you about Matteo not being your son, you might kill him or abandon him, that's when you were being nasty to him. Mark said ok. Clementine said then me, Matteo and Mark followed Layla to Miguel, Maria, Alejandro and Sofia's house, and we went invisible because of Matteo and we sneak into their house, then we me, Matteo, Mark and Layla found out that Alejandro was the one who set the mansion on fire, Mark stopped holding Matteo hand, and he was very angry at Alejandro, then I stopped holding Matteo hand and I told Mark that Sofia got kidnapped, by Miguel and Maria and they didn't die, Maria tried to calm me and Mark down but we didn't calmed down, then Matteo came visible again and asked them about the truth, and they told what Julian did to Maria and Miguel to us, and they said that Julian was lying about Miguel doing you know what to Julian family, I didn't believe Miguel and Maria and I was right to not believe them. Matteo said I know they were telling the truth about what Julian did to them. Julian said they were lying about the bit, what Miguel to my family they lied about that didn't they?! In an angry tone. Matteo said they did.

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