Chapter 6

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Until they heard footsteps and voices all around them. Matteo walked to Clementine. Matteo whispered lets walked slowly to the back of the cave. Clementine whispered ok, 3, 2, 1 now. They both went to the back of the cave. Julian and Leah went to the front of the cave. Leah said is anyone in there? In a loud tone. Clementine was about to speak until Matteo covered her mouth. Matteo whispered we don't know who there are, they might want to hurt us. Matteo uncovered Clementine mouth. Clementine whispered they might want to help us. Matteo whispered I go out first, then if they want to help us, the magic word is rock, if they don't the magic word is fire. Clementine whispered ok. Julian said there no one is there, Leah. In a broken tone. Matteo come behind them. Matteo said hello. They both turned around, and they see Matteo. Julian said hi. In a broken tone. Leah said who are you? Matteo looks at Julian and recognise that he the Mafia boss, who wants to overrule his father. Matteo said fire! Fire! Fire! In a scared tone. Clementine ran to Matteo. Leah said there she is, I told you. Clementine walked to her dad. Julian and Clementine hugged. Leah said why did you say fire? Matteo said no reason. In a scared tone. Julian and Clementine stop hugging. Julian said I'm sorry for being angry, I was just very upset, I didn't mean to take it out on you. Clementine said its ok, father, I forgive you, I'm sorry for running out of the house. Julian said I forgive you. Matteo just standing there scared. Leah said Clementine is he a friend of yours? Clementine looks at Matteo. Matteo said I'm nobody! In a scared tone. Leah said what's your name? Matteo said it's doesn't matter. In scared tone. Julian said why are you scared? Matteo said I don't want to tell why I'm scared. In scared tone. Leah said you can trust us, tell us why you scared. Matteo said nope, I have trust issues. In a scared tone. Julian said where your enemy Matteo? Clementine said are you looking for him? Julian said me and Leah, saw royal guards and the king looking for him. Matteo said Matteo is not here. In a scared tone. Clementine said I don't know where Matteo is, and I wouldn't like to know, because we hate each other. Matteo said the king is looking for someone else to. In a scared tone. Clementine said who? Matteo said I read a newspaper about two weeks ago, and someone has escaped from one of the cells in the king castle, and he won't rest until he find this girl. In a scared tone. Clementine said I have a sneaky feeling of something. Leah said what? Clementine said like I said before, the queen, she has just disappeared after she had Matteo, so I have a feeling that the prisoner who escaped, is working with queen. Julian said I have no idea, do you Leah? Leah said nope.

Julian saw Clementine short hair. Julian said Clementine what happened to your hair? In an serious tone. Leah said it was long, now it's short. Clementine didn't say anything. Julian said tell me Clementine. In an serious tone. Clementine walked to the place where all her hair was. Clementine pointed at it. Julian said who cut it off? In an angry and serious tone. Matteo said I di- Clementine cut him off saying that I done it. Julian said do you have anything say for yourself? In a serious tone. Clementine looked down the whole time. Clementine said I'm sorry father. Julian said come here. Clementine walked to her father. Julian said look at me. Clementine looked up at her father. Julian said ask me next time, and don't cut your hair before telling me, you did a good job. Clementine said really? Julian said yes. Leah said where are your parents? Matteo said me? In a scared tone. Leah said yes you. Matteo said I never met my mother before, and my father doesn't love me, so they don't care about me. In a scared and sad tone. Julian said it least you are not the king son Matteo, I wonder what is it like to be the son of that horrible man.

Matteo said I should be getting back to my house. In a scared tone. Matteo walked to his bag and pack all his stuff in the bag. Matteo put the bag on his back. Leah said what's the big rush? Matteo said my father would be angry at me if I don't go home. In a scared tone. Julian said do you need any help, getting back to your house? Matteo said nope. In a scared tone. Clementine said see you at school. Matteo said goodbye Clem. Matteo walks away. Clementine said can we go home now? Leah said yes we can. Julian said Leah is going to stay with us, from now on, do you mind her staying with us? Clementine said she can stay with us. Julian said Leah can you give me some time to talk? Leah said is it about what happened? Julian nods his head. Leah said of course. Leah walks away. Julian said mum is up where she is way better. Clementine said what do you mean? Julian said she's in a place, where she won't have cancer anymore. Clementine said will we see her again? Julian said one day we both will, but until then we have to be strong for her, because she would want that for us, and I promise I be the best father to you, that I can be. Clementine said you are already the best father in the world. Julian and Clementine hugged.  

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