Chapter 32

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One month Later. It is the grand opening of the land of Salom. Mark, Layla and Leah planed this for a month, and they are excited to show it to the world, Heaven and Hell. It's the day before Christmas eve. Matteo and Clementine are very close, but Mark, Layla and Leah didn't know they are even talking or hanging out.

Mark, Layla, Leah and Matteo went out of the castle. The butlers, Maids and the royal guards are out there already waiting for them. Matteo said are you all ready for the grand opening of Salom? Leah said yes, its been years for this land without a Name. Mark said Salom is a good name for this land. Layla said we need to go to the new sign, when you arrive in Salom. Matteo said lets go then. Mark said what are we waiting for? Leah said we have the big scissors to cut the band. They 4 started walking to the sign where you come in of the land of Salom. After a while of walking they stopped at the sign. They saw hundred of thousands of people there. Matteo said I guess they are moving to Salom. Mark said yes they are. Leah said they must be very excited and happy. Layla said there loads of people here. Mark SHOUTED CAN I HAVE ALL YOUR ATTENTION!? The people stopped talking and looked at Mark. Leah SHOUTED WHEN WE CUT THE BAND! THE LAND OF SALOM WILL BE OPEN FOR ALL OF YOU! Matteo said Our names are Matteo, Mark, Leah and Layla! I'm Matteo! The one with the eye patch is Mark! Leah is the one who has a business suit on! And Layla is the other one! Mark is the king of this land! And I'm his son, and I'm a prince! In a loud tone. Layla get the scissors to the band. Layla said you do the owners Matteo and Mark. Matteo and Mark hold the scissors to the band. Layla said on the count of 3! The land of Salom will be open! In a loud tone. Every people who there shouted the count. People SHOUTED 3! 2! 1! Mark and Matteo cut the band. Mark SHOUTED WELCOME! Everyone walked to anywhere in Salom. Matteo goes invisible. Matteo walked to the outskirts of Salom. Clementine was there waiting for him. Matteo goes behind Clementine. Matteo goes visible. Matteo SHOUTED BOO! Clementine jumped. Clementine turned around to see Matteo. Clementine said I get you back! In an angry tone. Matteo said uh huh. Clementine playfully pushed Matteo. Matteo said I always be one step ahead of you. Clementine said we see about that. Matteo said lets go to heaven now. Clementine said ok, but we don't know where the barrier between Heaven and earth. Matteo said we have a day to find it, don't worry, can you fly? Clementine said yes, I have learnt how to fly, all thanks to you, thank you Matt. Matteo said your welcome Clem. Clementine flied up. Matteo changed into a dragon. Matteo flied to Clementine. Clementine said lets find the barrier! In a loud and happy tone.

After hours of flying. The found the barrier between Heaven and Earth. They both landed at the barrier. Clementine said we found it. Matteo changed back into a human. Matteo said yes we did, its only took hours to find it. Clementine said so how does this work? Matteo said Maria said that you have to use your powers to open it. Clementine said ok I try. Before they can say anything else they saw Julian at the other side of the barrier trying to get in heaven. Matteo said get down! In a quite tone. Clementine and Matteo lied down of the grass. Julian was walking back and toward. Julian said how can I get this stupid thing to open!? In an angry tone. Julian kicked a rock. Julian SHOUTED OWW! I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT! Julian looked at the magical barrier between earth and heaven. Julian said I know what to do. Julian called someone. Julian said hello, Luci its Me Julian here, I'm at the barrier between heaven and Earth just as you asked me to, I don't know how to open it, could you tell me how to open it? Or come here to open it yourself. Julian heard shouting. Julian said ok bye, see you soon. Julian hanged up. Clementine whispered who is Luci? Matteo whispered I don't know, but we need to watch how Julian open it. Julian said so he said I just need to say a word, and it will open for me. Julian walked to the magic barrier between earth and heaven. Julian said 2030. The magic barrier opened for Julian. Matteo whispered we have to go invisible. Clementine whispered ok. Matteo hold Clementine hand. They both go invisible. Julian said now or never! In a loud tone. Julian jumped into the Magic barrier to heaven. Clementine and Matteo does the same thing. When they got to heaven through the magic barrier. They saw Julian next to them. Julian said I did it! I made it to heaven! In a loud and happy tone. Julian said now, I need to follow the plan. Clementine said what's the plan? In an angry tone. Julian looks around. Julian said who's there!? Show yourself! In an angry and scared tone. Clementine said don't you recognise the voice?! In an angry tone. Julian SHOUTED COME OUT! Matteo and Clementine goes visible. Julian looked at them. Julian said you two shouldn't be here! Where are you here!? In an angry and worried tone. Matteo said that's none of your business! We could ask you the same thing! In an angry tone. Julian said I heard you tell about my dirty little secret though earth! In an angry tone. Clementine said we did! So everyone know what you are! In an angry tone. Julian said you tricked me Matteo! In an angry tone. Matteo said yes I did! In an angry tone. Julian said you tell the world and everyone know what I did! Why didn't you let them kill me!? In an angry tone. Clementine said who's them!? In an angry tone. Julian said Maria, Miguel, Mark, Leah and Layla! They were about to kill me! But Matteo stopped them! In an angry tone. Matteo said I only did that for Clementine sake and their sake! In an angry tone. Clementine said what do you mean? Julian said how did you do it for their sake!? In an angry tone. Matteo said I did it for Clem because you the only family she has! And I don't want them to stooped to your level! I want everyone to be the bigger person! In an angry tone. Julian said I be going now! In an angry tone. Matteo said no you wont! Tell us why you are here! in an angry tone. Julian said I say why I'm here! Then you tell me why you are here! Fair? In an angry tone. Clementine said fair! In an angry tone. Matteo said fine! We are here because to find Clementine Mother! Anna the daughter of God! In an angry tone. Julian said oh Anna, I haven't seen her in years! In an angry and sad tone. Clementine said we told why we are here! In an angry tone. Matteo said now its your turn! In an angry tone. Julian said I'm here to team up the lord of the underworld! We have a plan! In an angry tone. Clementine said who's Luci!? Then! In an angry tone. Julian said Lucifer Walker! In an angry tone. Matteo said he's Satan! You are teaming up with Satan!? In an angry and shocked tone. Julian said yes I am! In an angry tone. Alejandro, Maria and Miguel comes out of the magic barrier. Julian said oh great! In an angry and sarcastic tone. Alejandro said there you two are. Miguel said where are we? Miguel looked around. Maria said this is heaven. Alejandro said there's Julian! In an angry tone. Maria said I thought we said to never come back! And if you do we will kill you! In an angry tone. Julian said I haven't come back! In an angry tone. Miguel said yes you have! You back right now! In an angry tone. Julian said no, I haven't because this is heaven! Not the land called Salom! In an angry tone. Alejandro said ok. In an angry tone. Clementine said who's with the Sofia? Maria said Leah and Layla. Matteo said why are you here? Miguel said because we want to help you both to find Anna and her family. Julian said I know where she and her family lives! In an angry tone. Clementine said you do!? In an angry and shocked tone. Julian said of course I do! In an angry tone. Matteo said where do they live!? In an angry tone Julian said here the addressed! In an angry tone. Julian gave a note to Miguel. Maria said now leave us alone! In an angry tone. Julian said with pleasure! In an angry tone. Julian walked away from them. Alejandro said show us the note dad. Miguel said look here. Miguel show them the note that Julian had given him. Clementine said lets find the house. Matteo said ok. Alejandro said what are we waiting for? Maria said you are going to meet your mother Clementine. Clementine said I know. Miguel said how do you feel? Clementine said nervous.

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