Chapter 40

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A short while later the carriage stops. Mark said we here. Julian said let me try to walk, if I'm going fall you can catch me if you want. Mark said what suit you're the best. Layla open the carriage door. Mark got out of the carriage first. Julian got himself out of the carriage. Layla said do you want us to help you? Mark said he can help himself. Julian said no thanks. Julian takes a small step to the castle doors. Julian left leg isn't strong to hold Julian body. Julian nearly fall until Mark and Layla helped him to stand. They got to the castle doors. Mark kicked the castle door open. They walked into the castle doors. Fake Leah, Matteo and Clementine was there. Clementine is hurt but she awaken. But on the other hand Matteo is badly hurt and not awaken. Clementine stood up. Clementine walked to Julian, Mark and Layla. Clementine said are you ok dad? Julian said I be fine. In a sore tone. Fake Leah said come on Matteo wake up. Layla said how is Matteo? Clementine said he's badly hurt, I am to but I use my angel powers so she can't hurt me or my unborn baby, but it did work a bit. Mark and Layla place Julian on the stairs next to Leah and Matteo. Fake Leah said Matteo is alive, but he hasn't waken up. Mark said don't worry, Matteo will be fine. Layla said we need to help Julian in the meantime. Fake Leah said no way! I am helping him! In an angry tone. Clementine said whatever, I get warm soap and water. Clementine walked out of the room. Layla said I can get a bandage. Layla walked out of the room. Matteo wound starts healing on their own. In minutes Matteo wound is gone. Matteo wakes up. Julian said Matteo awake. In a sore tone. Matteo sat up. Matteo looked at Julian leg. Matteo said do you want me to heal your leg? Fake Leah said no! Don't help Julian Matteo! In an angry tone. Mark said and why not help Julian!? In an angry tone. Matteo said I want to help him. Julian said can you heal people wounds? In a sore tone. Matteo said I can. Clementine and Layla came into the room. Clementine and Layla walked to Julian. Clementine said this will hurt, but it will help your leg to get better. Julian said Matteo can heal me. Fake Leah said why are you all helping Julian!? Have you all gone mad!? Since I died!? In an angry tone. Julian said just don't listen to Leah, everyone. In a sore tone. Mark said I was already doing that. Matteo said they can use the stuff they got, then I heal the wound after wards. Clementine use warm soap and water to clean Julian left leg. Julian groans in pain. Layla said it be over, before you know it Julian. After Clementine clean the bite. Layla wrapped a bandage over it. Matteo use his healing powers to heal Julian bite. Julian said thank you, you 3 for helping me. Matteo said no problem. Layla said no worries. Clementine said your welcome. Fake Leah said I still don't know why! You all friends with Julian! After what he did to Miguel! In an angry tone. Julian stand up. Julian said we didn't tell her did we? Mark said nope, she was with Brooke and Brian. Clementine told Fake Leah everything. Fake Leah said so Julian isn't the bad guy? Miguel was. Matteo said yes. Layla said we all thought Julian was a horrible man. Mark said before we listen to his past. Julian said I only keep my past to myself because you all didn't asked, and I thought you all wouldn't believe me, I know I had times to tell you, but I didn't because you were all on Miguel side. Clementine said I wasn't on Miguel side. Layla said I was. Mark said I wasn't on any sides, because I didn't like Miguel and I hated you Julian. Matteo said I was on Miguel side. Fake Leah said me to. Julian said how did we all get here? Clementine said huh? Mark said we got a carriage here. Matteo said what do you mean? Fake Leah said Julian what are you even talking about? Layla said do you mean like how we all end up all together? Julian said Layla gets it, I mean, why is it the 6 of us? Like we always come back together. Fake Leah said no idea. Mark said because we all know each other. Julian said why don't we just all go different ways? Clementine said I don't want to do that. Matteo said we all have to be there for each other. Julian said ok. Clementine said Matt right, because me and Matteo going have a child together. Layla said and we all be related to the baby. Mark said I am not. Fake Leah said Mark not related to any of us. Mark said you all have to be there for each other like Matteo said, but I don't because I'm not any of your family. Matteo said you are part of my family because you are my dad, not blood but you are my family. Fake Leah said Mark is not part of my family. Layla said well I class Mark in a sort of way part of my family. Julian said he not my family, my family is dead. Clementine said I know, Mark can be our baby god father. Julian said why him? In an angry tone. Fake Leah said what even is a god father? Layla said a god father is if Clementine or Matteo died, Mark would step in to look after their baby. Matteo said Mark, do you want to be our baby godfather? Mark said ok, I be your baby godfather. Julian said there a movie called godfather, it about the Mafia. Mark take his crown off. Mark said it's a good time to step down as king. Layla said what!? In a shocked tone. Fake Leah said he's not the king anymore. Clementine said ok. Matteo said father? Why are you steeping down a king? Mark said because I'm not young now, I'm 84 years old, I was the king for 61 years. Clementine said what is your date of birth then? Mark said I was born on the 28th May 1913. Clementine said ok. Mark said I would like someone to be king now. Everyone looked at Matteo, except from Mark. Matteo said me!? In a shocked tone. Mark looked at Matteo. Mark said you don't have to. Clementine said do you want to be the next king Matt? Julian said if you don't, I can always can! In a happy and sarcastic tone. Layla elbows Julian. Julian said just kidding. Fake Leah said Julian we need to talk. Julian said ok. Julian and Fake Leah walked out of the room. Matteo said I be happy to. Mark said stand up. Matteo stood up. Mark said Matteo Clifford! From now on you will be king! Will you be a good king!? And will you rule nicely for your kingdom!? In a loud tine. Layla walked out of the room. Matteo said I will. Mark place his crown on Matteo head. Mark said Matteo Clifford! You are now king! Your highness! In a happy and loud tone. Layla come back into the room with Matteo sword. Layla walked to Matteo. Layla bow down on one knee. Layla said your sword, your majesty. In a happy tone. Matteo said thank you Layla, thank you Mark. Matteo hold his sword. Fake Leah and Julian came into the room. Fake Leah and Julian saw Matteo crown on his head. Fake Leah bows. Julian said Matteo is king right? Clementine said he is. Julian bows. Clementine stands up. Clementine bows. Mark bows down to Matteo. Matteo said don't bow, you don't need to bow to me, and you can still call me Matteo, I'm the same old Matteo. Clementine stop bowing. Clementine said ok, everyone your heard Matteo. Mark and Fake Leah stopped bowing. Julian and Layla was that last 2 to stopped bowing. Julian said in a couple of years, when Matteo and Clementine get married, would Clementine become queen? Mark said she would. Fake Leah said only when Matteo and Clementine said I do, and they come back to their honeymoon, she would be queen then. Clementine said let not think about this right now. Matteo said we have years ahead to look after our son or daughter. Layla said talking about marriages, Julian and Leah is still engaged to get married. Mark said don't remind me, I wanted to forget about it. In an angry tone and annoyed tone. Fake Leah said we were just talking about that. Julian said that's why we left the room, we didn't meant to be rude. Mark said well? Fake Leah said well what!? In an angry tone. Mark said don't get angry with me! In an angry tone. Fake Leah said I can do what I want! When I like it! In an angry tone. Mark said whatever!? Are you going get married or not!? In an angry tone. Julian said I think you both need to calm down. In a calm tone. Mark SHOUTED I DON'T NEED TO CALM DOWN! SHE DOES! SHE WAS ANGRY AT ME FIRST! Fake Leah SHOUTED LOOK AT YOURSELF! YOUR GONE MAD! Mark SHOUTED SHUT UP LEAH! IM WARING YOU! Fake Leah SHOUTED OH! IM SO SCARED! In a pretend scared tone. Clementine had enough of them. Clementine SHOUTED BOTH OF YOU! SHUT UP! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BOTH SHOUTING! Mark SHOUTED YOU STAY OUT OF THIS! Fake Leah SHOUTED THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! YOU ONLY SPEAK! IF YOU GET SPOKEN TO! GIRL CAN GET SEEN! NOT SPEAK! Matteo eye turn bright red. Matteo SHOUTED IF YOU SAID ONE MORE BAD WORD! I WILL! Fake Leah SHOUTED YOU WHAT!? MATTEO! Matteo SHOUTED YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO KNOW! Julian SHOUTED LEAH! DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT! Layla SHOUTED LEAH! JUST SAY YOUR SORRY TO CLEMENTINE! Mark SHOUTED DON'T SAY THAT TO CLEMENTINE! YOU B*TCH! Fake Leah SHOUTED I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT! WHEN I LIKE IT! YOU ALL CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO OR SAY! Clementine SHOUTED LEAVE! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE! Fake Leah SHOUTED NOW YOU ARE SORRY! Fake Leah pull out a gun, with a sliver bullet. Fake Leah waves the gun around to them 5. Fake Leah SHOUTED NO ONE MOVE! Mark said put the gun down! In a loud tone. Layla said Leah calm down! In a loud tone. Fake Leah SHOUTED NO! Julian said Leah lets all just talk about this! In a loud tone. Layla starts sneaking to the back of Fake Leah. Fake Leah SHOUTED I AM DONE TALKING WITH ALL OF YOU! Matteo said whatever you do! Don't shoot any of us! In a loud tone. Fake Leah SHOUTED GOOD IDEA! I SHOOT EVERY EACH ONE OF YOU! Mark said I'm not even scared of you Leah, I can't die. Fake Leah SHOUTED BUT! THE OTHER 4 CAN DIE! Layla was behind Fake Leah. Layla hold Fake Leah wrist tight. Fake Leah turn around. Fake Leah SHOUTED LET GO! YOUR FILTHY MAID! Layla was angry. Layla SHOUTED NO! I WONT LET YOU SHOOT ANYONE! Fake Leah Laughs. Fake Leah SHOUTED YOU AND WHAT ARMY!? Fake Leah laughs again. Layla signal secretly to Clementine, Matteo, Julian and Mark to get out of here. Mark nods. Mark walked to Julian. Julian nods his head at Mark. Matteo and Clementine walked to Julian and Mark. Matteo whispered I'm staying here. Clementine whispered me to, I don't want to leave Layla with Leah. Julian whispered Matteo look after Clementine. Matteo whispered I will. Mark whispered be careful you two. Matteo and Clementine nods their heads. Mark and Julian sneaked out of the room. Fake Leah stops laughing at Layla. Layla said are you done!? In an angry tone. Fake Leah said yes I am! I never thought you would be cable of fighting anything or anyone! In a mocked tone. Layla said what happened!? You would never say this! Leah! In an angry tone. Fake Leah SHOUTED NOW LET GO! DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT A THIRD TIME! Layla SHOUTED FOR THE SECOND TIME! NO! Fake Leah SHOUTED OH WELL! YOU MADE YOUR OWN GRAVE! Fake Leah was going shoot Layla. Matteo ran fast to fake Leah. Matteo went in front of Layla. Fake Leah shoots. The bullet hits Matteo stomach. Matteo goes to the ground in pain. Clementine walked fast to Matteo. Layla looks at Matteo in pain. Fake Leah looked at Matteo. Fake Leah SHOUTED THAT WAS MEANT FOR THE MAID! NOT YOU! Clementine got so angry and mad. She turned into a werewolf. Clementine growls and howls. Layla cover her ears. Fake Leah back away from Clementine.

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