3 : The Engagement

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I settle the bill and grab my bag containing the outfit for the ring ceremony

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I settle the bill and grab my bag containing the outfit for the ring ceremony. It's been a week since Aunty called me and informed about it.

Returning home, I change into something cozy and start packing. The venue for the ceremony is located quite a distance away, in a tranquil town.

I submitted my leave request to the management head early this morning, confirming my absence for the next three days.

Opening my suitcase, I begin packing my belongings, from outfits to makeup essentials. As I gather my jewelry-earrings, bangles, necklaces, and bracelets-I come across my anklets. Tears fill my eyes as I gaze at them, reminded of the one I lost the other night in the forest. I run my fingers over the remaining anklet, feeling a pang of regret.

"I'm so sorry, Mumma. I couldn't take care of it," I whisper to myself.

I recall the memories, when realized that its missing in the next morning and ran between the woods again. Just to waste the 2 hours of my time.

I keep it in the small pouch, and tuck it into my suitcase as well as the other essentials.

* * * * *

And here we are, standing outside the grand mansion. My brother glanced at me over his shoulder, giving a quick nod, which I returned with a gentle smile.

As we entered the mansion, we were greeted warmly by Meera Aunty.

"Oh dear, you have finally arrived. Aao baitho, mai Ishika ko bula ke aati hu," she said.
[Oh, dear, you have finally arrived. Come, have a seat. Let me call Ishika,]

My brother and I found our seats.

"Aadi!" a voice called out from behind, filled with excitement and happiness.

Turning around, I met the gaze of Ishika, the bride-to-be. "Ishu," I greeted her, and she enveloped me in a warm hug.

"How have you been? And you little mischief-maker, why haven't I heard from you?" she asked, hands on her hips, a mix of anger and cuteness in her demeanor.

"Oh come on, I'm sorry. But you didn't tell me about our future brother-in-law either," I teased, trying to lighten the mood. She blushed and giggled in response.

The rest of the day passed quickly, from sharing stories to doing skincare together. Before we knew it, it was dinner time. We all sat together at the dining table.

"Yash, how's your work going?" Ishika's father, Hardik Singhania, inquired.

"It's going well, but there are a few ups and downs currently. But that's part of the business," my brother began explaining. Ishika and I exchanged bored looks at the familiar conversation.

"And Advika, how about you?" Uncle asked me, receiving a smile from me.

"It's going great. My boss is impressed with my work," I replied confidently, earning a proud smile from him.

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