7 : Missed Me, Doll?

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I could see the annoyance in Advika ji's eyes when Pooja approached me

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I could see the annoyance in Advika ji's eyes when Pooja approached me. Was she upset that Pooja and I were talking? Might be.

Pooja's loud and high-pitched voice was getting on my nerves. I felt like sending her out of the hall, but I couldn't do that because she was part of Advika ji's responsibilities.

I stand beside the desk, observing the designs everyone is working on. Advika ji stands next to me, her brow furrowed slightly as she carefully notes down all the details. Cute.

Managing my busy schedule just to be with her is a struggle, but she's worth every moment. My baby.

She has this captivating aura that draws me in like a magnet. I feel like I'm under her spell, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've already claimed my place as hers, and I wouldn't want it any different.

A guy from the team brought coffee for everyone from the nearby cafe. Placing the packets on the table, he took out two plastic-sealed cups. Each person grabbed their cup, and as he approached Advika ji, he tapped her shoulder and handed her the cup. Her smile towards him made me frown slightly.

Why did he single her out for the cup? Is there something going on between them? I remind myself not to jump to conclusions without knowing the truth.

I observed as she took a sip from the straw, her rosy lips forming a pout around the small opening. As she placed the cup on the desk, it teetered and fell to the floor, the lid popping open and spilling coffee everywhere. My eyes widened in response, my reflexes kicking in as I pulled Advika ji towards me, embracing her tightly to shield her from harm.

Everything happened in a blur, and I could feel Advika ji's rapid breaths against my chest. Her hands rested on my chest, and in that moment, it felt like everything I had ever wanted. She glanced up at me, her eyes blinking rapidly. She parted her lips to say something but shut them back.

"Are you alright?" I inquired, and she nodded in response. Just as I was about to say something else, Rahul cleared his throat, interrupting our moment.

I mentally noted to kick him in the rear later. The lingering uncertainty didn't sit well with me.

Rahul asked her the same question I just did, felt weird. Was he deaf or something?

Rolling my eyes, I redirected my focus back to the task at hand, and everyone resumed their work, engrossed once again in the event organization.

* * * * *

I entered through the grand doors with a smile adorning my lips. The presence of Advika ji beside me throughout the day held immense importance for me. Even though she was busy managing the team, what mattered most was that she was by my side!

As I glanced to my left, I heard a sudden gasp. Shravani's expression turned to one of shock, as if she had just seen a ghost. My frown deepened, curious about her reaction.

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