Kabanata 14

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Elias' POV

I am on my way back to the company after my business meeting with the four investors. I wanted to stay a little longer to spend some time with Shang, but I needed to return because I have an important meeting to attend at the company with the department managers.

As I was parking my car, my secretary called me, "Sir. Elias? Someone is looking for you right now, she's here in your office," she said, furrowing my brows. I wasn't expecting anyone to visit me today. I wonder who it could be.

"Okay, I'm on my way," I replied before ending the call.

I quickly headed to the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. When I got off, I happened to run into Diovanni, who looked busy and serious while talking on the phone. From his expression, his worry was evident. I wasn't surprised—surely it was Katarina he was talking to. Only she could change my cousin's disposition like this.

I couldn't be certain if his decision in the past was correct, but on the other hand, I knew I was out of whatever issue they had between them. I just nodded at Diovanni before continuing to my office.

When I arrived, my secretary stood up quickly from her chair to greet me.

"Where is she?" I asked immediately while signing the logbook.

"She's inside, sir. She's been waiting for you for a long time," she replied, to which I returned with a nod before adjusting my suit and slowly opening the door to my office.

Upon entering, I immediately noticed a woman with long hair and a beautiful figure. She was wearing red, and her elegant dress further emphasized her beauty. She had her back to me, busy looking at the books on the shelf.

After observing her closely, I cleared my throat to announce my presence and catch her attention.

"Excuse me, Miss? By chance, do we have a personal appointment that I missed?" I asked, which made her stand up properly and slowly turn to look at me. As soon as I saw the woman's face, the smile vanished from my lips. "Jocelle?" I uttered in disbelief at her name.

A sweet smile quickly appeared on her lips, "Elias!" she joyfully exclaimed, without hesitation, she approached me and hugged me tightly.

I was surprised by her actions, so when I regained my composure, I quickly pushed her away from me, "What are you doing here?!" I asked, with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "Hindi mo ba talaga maintindihan? Ilang beses ko na bang sinabi sa iyo na—"

"Huwag na akong lalapit sa iyo," siya na ang nagpatuloy sa sasabihin ko. "Pero anong parte ng mga sinabi ko ang hindi mo rin maintindihan, Elias? Hindi kita kayang iwasan!" She insisted before she approached me again and in a swift motion, she kissed me on the lips. "I missed you!" she said sweetly.

I suddenly felt a rush of heat to my head because of what she did, and I unconsciously grabbed her arm tightly, "Who gave you the right to come to my office? Do you know that my Dad is here right now?! And if they see you—"

"That's good!" she cut me off.

I was taken aback by what she said, "What?"

"I said, that's good!" she repeated. "They should get to know their future soon-to-be daughter-in-law," she stated, which only increased my annoyance towards her.

"Soon-to-be daughter-in-law? The heck with you?!"

She grinned, "Come on, Elias! Don't pretend like I don't affect you. Because I can see it in your eyes that you are attracted to me! Just admit it to yourself," she said confidently.

Lost in the Maze: Elias de MarcelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon