Kabanata 28

79 10 2


Atasha's POV

"Do you want to see the sky lanterns?" Celsius asked me as we made our way back to the hotel. After our sightseeing tour, the late afternoon sun casts a warm glow over everything.

"Is there one?"

"Yes, there's usually one around this time."

"Sure," I replied, excitement evident in my voice. "Where is it?"

"Come, I will show you," replied Celsius as he led me to the beach, where a large group of people were holding lit sky lanterns and preparing to release them into the night sky. The lanterns glowed and danced in the gentle breeze, illuminating the faces of those around them.

As the lanterns were released, they soared higher and higher, painting the night sky with soft, warm light. The crowd gasped and cheered as they floated into the darkness, disappearing like stars into the distance.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and peace as I watched the lanterns drift away, their flickering lights a symbol of hope and happiness. Celsius stood beside me, a smile playing on his lips as we marveled at the beauty of the moment.

"Isn't it amazing?" he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

I nodded, unable to tear my eyes away from the magical display. It was a memory I would cherish forever—a moment of pure joy and serenity in a bustling sea.

As the last lantern disappeared from view, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I knew that even in chaos and uncertainty, there was still beauty and light to be found in the world.

"Thank you for showing me this," I said, turning to Celsius with a grateful smile.

He simply nodded, his eyes twinkling with happiness. At that moment, surrounded by the glow of the lanterns and the laughter of the crowd, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

My gaze was fixed on the floating sky lanterns in the sky. They were incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing, something I had never seen up close before. It was as if I also wanted to reach out and touch them, to feel the warmth of their light against my fingertips.

The sound of laughter and chatter surrounded me, a mix of different languages and accents blending in a harmonious symphony. Families, couples, and friends all stood together, united in awe and wonder at the sight before them.

I felt a sense of unity and peace wash over me as if all the worries and concerns of the world had momentarily faded away. In that moment, surrounded by strangers and friends alike, I felt a connection to something greater than myself.

As the last lantern disappeared into the distance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. I wished for the moment to last forever, to be able to hold onto the beauty and magic of the evening just a little while longer.

After a few moments of being entranced by the floating lanterns, Celsius tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to him with a smile but was surprised when he handed me an unlit sky lantern. Though puzzled, I couldn't help but smile even more.

"Do you want to?" he asked with a smile. "It seems like you are amazed again, so I guess you also want to release lanterns?"

I quickly took it from him. "Where did you get this?"

"I bought it from that lady over there," he replied. "Shall we do it together?"

"Sure, why not."

"But before that, I want you to write something on this paper."

Lost in the Maze: Elias de MarcelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon