Kabanata 21

79 6 5


Elias' POV

It has been over a week since the confrontation with Atasha, and until now, she remains in the condo even though I told her I wanted space. It seems like my words meant nothing to her; she acted as if she wasn't affected at all. However, I can truly feel the significant change in our relationship, and I don't know how Atasha can tolerate this situation.

I know that our relationship is no longer happy, not like before when I always looked forward to her presence. Now, I loathed her, and I wanted to end things with her. I am no longer happy, and I don't know if it is still right for us to stay together. For that entire week, I remained silent, and she did the same towards me.

While I was at work, I just kept myself busy with office tasks. And when Dad said that he would settle everything about the wedding, I knew that no matter what I said, his decision would not change. And now, I know that in a short time, Atasha will fulfill her dream of getting married. I want to stop it for many reasons, and I am not ready to get married yet.

I really can't understand what is happening to me. I admit that it's not just Atasha who has changed, even I know that I have changed. My feelings have changed, and even if I try to stop myself, I know that it's not Atasha's presence that I long for, but Jocelle's presence.

I badly want to see her, but how? How could I do that? I know that Dad is watching me now, so it's not unlikely that he will find out what I'm going to do.

Napabuntong hininga na lamang ako dahil sa mga iniisip ko bago bumalik sa pagtatrabaho. Habang nasa kalagitnaan ako ng pagbabasa sa bagong sales report ay tumunog ang mobile phone ko, na nakalapag sa tabi ng computer. Kinuha ko yun at sinagot nang hindi tinitignan kung sino ang tumatawag.

"Hello? This is Elias de Marcel, speak—" Hindi ko nagawang ituloy ang sasabihin ko, dahul agad na napahinto ako sa pagbabasa nang marinig ko ang boses ng nasa kabilang linya. "Jocelle?" hindi makapaniwalang sambit ko.

"Are you busy? If you have time, can we meet today?" mahinang tanong niya sa kabilang linya na lalong ikinatigil ko.

Napalunok ako at tila nawalan ng boses, hindi ko alam kung ano ang isasagot ko sa kanya. I was surprised by her call; I didn't expect her to call me, and I didn't know how she got my number. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Damn! Why am I feeling nervous?!

"Elias, are you there?"

I swallowed again, "Uh, yeah. I-I'm free right now, w-we can meet." Damn! Why am I stuttering? "W-Where do you want to meet?"

"I'm here near the café close to your company. I'll wait for you here," she replied before ending the call.

I stood still, not knowing what to do. I panicked as I stood up and cleared the clutter on my desk before putting on my coat. I looked in the mirror to check my appearance before quickly leaving the office. I just told my secretary that I had something important to attend to.

I hurried to the parking lot to quickly get to the café, and in just five minutes, I arrived there. I quickly got out and entered the café, scanning the area to find Jocelle, and located her sitting near the terrace. I adjusted my coat, cleared my throat, and approached her slowly, sitting in front of her.

She seemed surprised by my arrival, almost staring at me. That's when I noticed her appearance; she seemed more relaxed now, without any makeup on her face. Her hair was let down, and she appeared simpler at the moment. I hadn't seen her for a month, but I noticed a significant change in her appearance.

"Uhm, why do you want to meet me?" I began, and she simply smiled back at me cautiously.

Her demeanor was also different; the seductive Jocelle was gone, as was her clingy attitude. I wonder what happened to her. Did the experience change her, which is why she seems different now? Or is there a deeper reason?

Lost in the Maze: Elias de MarcelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon