Kabanata 30

102 8 2


Elias' POV

"I made breakfast for you, as I have to go to work," I said seriously to Jocelle before placing the plate I prepared in front of her.

Thankfully, she didn't argue and just sat down on the stool. She started eating quietly. I just observed her because it seemed like she had lost her appetite again. It had been a few days now that she seemed disinterested in food.

I cleared my throat and took a sip of my coffee. "Your assistant will be arriving soon; she'll take care of you. I probably won't be coming back here for a while as I have a lot to take care of. I haven't been going to work for a few days," I said softly.

She only looked at me then. "Is it really because of work, Elias?" she suddenly spoke up.

"Jocelle, I can't always stay here. What about my job? My mom has been calling me," I replied.

I didn't expect her to slam the spoon she was holding on the table. "Don't use work as an excuse! Are you leaving because of Atasha?" she shouted at me. "Can't you forget about Atasha? We're going to have a child together, and Atasha is still on your mind!" she retorted.

"Don't bring Atasha into this discussion. She's not relevant here," I replied seriously. "I've already clarified this with you, haven't I? I'm only here because you're pregnant and you're carrying my child."

I didn't expect her to suddenly stand up in a huff. "But she already left you!" she shouted at me, causing me to pause. "You told me that you would stand by me and not just the child! But why is your decision like this now? Just because that woman left you?!"

"I made a mistake when I said I would stand by you. If I had known that she would get tired of me and leave, I should have just let you go," I said softly before grabbing my keys, about to leave when I heard something shatter.

"So, am I just an option then? That when things aren't working out with her, you come running to me? Damn it, Elias! I didn't want this! I didn't want to get pregnant!" she exclaimed.

I didn't turn around, choosing to remain facing away because I didn't want to confront her. "You should have thought about the possible consequences of all your seduction towards me. You shouldn't have seduced me that night," I said before finally leaving.

I heard Jocelle's loud scream as I walked away, but I chose not to pay attention to it. I got into the car as soon as I reached the parking lot. I let out a sigh and didn't start the engine right away. I leaned back on the headrest and wiped my face.

I feel so frustrated. I don't know what to do anymore. My mind is clouded with confusion and I can't seem to find a way out of this mess. The weight of the situation is heavy on my shoulders, making it hard to breathe. I close my eyes and try to calm the chaos inside me, searching for a solution to the problem at hand. But no matter how hard I try, the answer seems just out of reach.

I went straight to Shang's restaurant because it has been two weeks since I last saw her. I wanted to see her and talk to her, there are so many things I want to say to her. I wanted to fix whatever misunderstanding we had. I didn't want things to end this way between us.

As I walked towards the restaurant, my heart was pounding with nervousness. I kept rehearsing in my mind what I would say to Shang, how I would apologize for my mistakes and how I would try to make things right between us.

When I finally reached the entrance, a mix of emotions overwhelmed me - hope, fear, excitement. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door, ready to face whatever outcome awaited me.

Si Zylee, ang assistant chef ni Shang, ang sumalubong sa akin. "Magandang umaga, Sir Elias!" masiglang bati nito.

"Narito ba si Atasha? Gusto ko sana siyang kausapin," walang paligoy-ligoy na sabi ko.

Lost in the Maze: Elias de MarcelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon