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LEILANI woke up to the sunlight shining into her room—she quickly turned her head to make sure keimeir was woke, and that he was. he was playing with his legs while making babbling noises. leilani just smiled at her son—there was nothing in this world that she adored more than him. leilani would do anything for her son.

"kj" leilani said excitedly as keimeir turned his head to his mothers voice—he started giggling loudly causing leilani to laugh aswell. "you're happy today." leilani said climbing out of her bed. she then walked over to keimeir's crib before she gently lifted him up—she kissed him all over his face as he was now smiling widely while laughing.

"you're so cute papa." leilani said before she put him on her hip and led them into the bathroom—leilani sat keimeir down and let him crawl on the floor as she started brushing her teeth. the floor was clean, and leilani made sure. keimeir was almost in his climbing stage, so he always wanted to explore—and leilani had to make the floors clean for her son. he wouldn't crawl just yet, but he usually liked to turn on his back.

leilani turned around seeing keimeir doing just that—she let out a small laugh seeing her son with his legs in the air while sitting on his back. "you so silly papa." leilani said before finally getting done with brushing her teeth. she then took her hair out of her ponytail before letting it all fall down.

(her hair pattern & look)

leilani walked over to keimeir as she picked him up—"cmon let's go eat kj

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leilani walked over to keimeir as she picked him up—"cmon let's go eat kj." leilani said before they exited the bathroom. leilani and kj made their way into the kitchen before she sat them down in the chair. leilani grabbed a banana as she started cutting it up for the baby. keimeir was sticking his tongue out before he started whining slightly.

"hold on mier." leilani said to her whining son as she quickly put the cut up banana's infront of him. keimeir started eating quickly as leilani stood there contemplating—she needed to go to the grocery store today, but she would be at ddot's house since she's supposed to be moving in his house today.

leilani grabbed her phone as she slanted onto the counter before there was a knock at the door—leilani turned her head quickly before she walked over to the door. leilani opened the door as she was met with the sight of her baby daddy. "yo" ddot said walking into the apartment as keimeir immediately started smiling.

"keimeir!" ddot said excitedly as the baby started clapping—ddot quickly walked over to keimeir before he picked him up. ddot lifted keimeir in the air before he brought him back down and started kissing him all over his face. leilani watched the two with a big smile on her face. ddot adored his son—and she would always be appreciative over that.

"ight lani, we gotta pack." ddot said as leilani nodded—she already had packed all of the boxes up, that's why she she had to give keimeir a banana this morning. "i already have everything packed up, we just gotta take it load it and stuff." leilani said as ddot nodded—"kj gotta go to ya brother or sister house while we moving." ddot said before looking back at keimeir.

"i'll call lena." leilani said as ddot nodded—he then got started moving the boxes. it would be pretty hard since leilani lived in a apartment, meaning they would have to go back and forth. but that the lord for siblings and friends. "i gotta call kj and ask him to help." leilani said as she leaned onto the counter. keimeir was sitting on his playmat playing with his toes.

leilani quickly went to kj's contact as she pressed call—he answered on the third ring, "hello?" kj said as leilani continued looking at her son. "can you come over here and help me with these boxes?" leilani asked nicely as kj laughed—"you know i will, you want me to come right now?" kj said as leilani nodded. "yeah, i gotta take keimeir to lena's house." leilani said as kj said okay. she eventually hung up before she called lena.

"hellooo" lena said as leilani smiled at her sister—she knew she was in a good mood, she could hear it in her voice. "hey sissy, can you watch keimeir as of right now? me and ddot gotta get these boxes out of the apartment " leilani said as lena hummed. "of course, i'm coming right now." lena said as leilani clapped.

"thank youuu." leilani said before she hung up—she quickly walked into her bedroom to get keimeir packed up so they could start quicker.

(don't feel like writing allat😭)

"i'm so fucking tired." leilani complained while throwing her head back as ddot watched her every move—"man." ddot said before licking his lips. leilani's hair was tied in a messy bun, and she was wearing all black. ddot could just devour leilani right there—and the way she was touching all over herself from the heat wasn't helping ddot.

leilani fanned herself as she then looked at ddot—she furrowed her eyebrows with a confused face. ddot was just staring at her in a look she was familiar with—ddot would always give her that look everytime he wanted leilani. "what...?" leilani said confused while raising her eyebrows.

"nothin." ddot said with a smirk still on his face—leilani just rolled her eyes before rubbing her eyes—it was now 8pm and leilani just wanted to go to sleep. but she was missing her son, and she didn't wanna go to sleep without him.

"im about to go to bed, i'm hit." leilani before she let out a yawn—ddot was still sitting there staring at leilani. the girl was making him hot and heavy, she looked good in the lighting, and she was just fine in general. "you look good." ddot blurted out as leilani looked at him confused.

"what are you talking about." leilani said laughing—but when she realized ddot was dead serious she got quiet. "oh...you deadass?" leilani said pointing her finger out a bit as ddot nodded quickly. "why wouldn't i be?" ddot asked as he started walking closer to the girl. leilani watched him as he then stopped infront of her.

"cmere, why you backin up?" ddot asked before he put his hands on leilani's waist—she just watched him as he smirked at her. he then licked his lips before he leaned in—and leilani let him. and as soon as ddot's lips touched leilani's they started kissing heavily.

ddot pushed leilani back onto the counter before he grabbed her again and lifted her onto the counter. leilani wrapped her arms around ddot as they continued kissing—both of them wanted the other just like day one. they had went too long without feeling one another. everybody could see the tension between the two.

leilani quickly pulled away from the kiss as ddot watched her while tilting his head—"whatchu doin?" ddot asked her as she was now breathing heavy. "not tonight." leilani said hopping off the counter as ddot shook his head—leilani was right, the two had just got finished moving, they were tired and needed a good nights rest.

ddot watched leilani walk into the guest room as he sighed loudly—leilani got him all roughed up, now he was left to deal with his problem. ddot put his hand on his forehead before smacking his lips. maybe another night

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