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LEILANI waddled around the house as she held the bottom of her stomach—keimeir kept wanting leilani to chase after him as he was naked, no diaper or anything.

"kj please, i'm too pregnant for this." leilani said shaking her head as she heard keimeir laughing loudly—"okay bet, ima call ya daddy since you think issa' joke." leilani said as she groaned loudly. keimeir then ran over besides her before he dropped his sippy cup on the floor and juice spilled everywhere.

"uh oh.." keimeir said quietly before looking up at his mother—leilani just sighed letting out a deep breath. "kj, go upstairs and get your father please." leilani said as the one year old boy quickly booked it upstairs, he wasn't that fast, but he knew the familiar tone in leilani's voice.

and she wasn't playing with him—she was
getting more and more aggravated, and keimeir knew it. she would never lay her hands or hit the boy though. he just got scared whenever she threatened to get his father.

leilani sighed as she waddled over to the couch before slowly sitting down—she shook her head a she looked over by the steps, leilani looked up seeing ddot coming over to her with keimeir holding his hand.

keimeir pointed to the floor showing his father the spilled juice as ddot shook his head—"you did that meir?" ddot asked his son as keimeir looked at his father before looking down and avoiding his gaze.

"time out, cmon." ddot said pointing to the corner of the stairs as keimeir started pouting while tears built up in his eyes—"don't put my baby in time out." leilani said defensively as keimeir started looking at leilani with puppy eyes.

and when he noticed she was trying to avoid his eyes—he started crying loudly. "okay okay, no time out." ddot said picking up keimeir as he soothed the boy. leilani just shook her head before looking at ddot.

"can you clean his juice up please? i'm starving and i can't get up." leilani said rubbing her 7 month bump. she hit the 8 months mark in 2 weeks and she was due in almost 2 months. she was nervous but excited to meet her two baby girls.

"i can't believe i have two babies in here." leilani said shaking her head as ddot laughed—"me either, two girls is crazy." ddot said wiping the corner of keimeir's eyes as he looked at his father while sniffling.

"i hate that he knows how to make us feel bad for punishing him." leilani said as ddot nodded—"that's my son though." ddot said laughing as leilani rolled her eyes at him.

leilani almost immediately closed her eyes as she felt a small pain in her lower abdomin—"ow shit." leilani said before opening her eyes widely as ddot looked at her confused.

"what is it?" ddot asked confused as leilani was about to speak, but she felt another sharp pain shoot her in her stomach.

"shit!" leilani said letting out a loud yell as ddot and keimeir looked at her worridly—"what's wrong lani?" ddot asked confused as he quickly put keimeir down and stood infront of leilani.

leilani felt down in between her legs as she felt liquid seeping through her pants. she then looked at ddot in fear—"no no ddot it's too early!" leilani said scaredly as ddot quickly realized what she meant.

"you deadass lani?" ddot asked with wide eyes as she looked at him like he was dumb—"OBVIOUSLY!" leilani yelled before ddot nodded quickly and ran upstairs to go get everything they packed a month before.

leilani let out a couple of deep breathes as keimeir looked at her worridly—he didn't know what was going on, but seeing the worry in leilani's face scared him. leilani looked at her son as he looked back and forth between her and the stairs scared.

"i'm okay papa alright? come here." leilani said with her arms out as keimeir quickly went infront of his mom with his hands out.

leilani slowly picked him up before almost immediately sitting him back down due to another sharp pain shooting through her stomach—leilani just cried out in pain before ddot quickly ran back downstairs.

"i called everybody, they coming to help." ddot said as leilani nodded quickly—ddot then stood infront of her before leaning down. "take a couple of deep breaths." ddot said trying to calm leilani down as she did what she was told.

ddot sat the bags dow before putting a jacket on keimeir—it was the start of autumn, and it was getting colder. ddot quickly got keimeir ready before there was knocks at the door.

ddot hurriedly went over to the door as he unlocked it showing lena and kj—"can yall help me with keimeir? i gotta get her to the car." ddot said as lena and kj nodded quickly.

lena was only 5 months, her stomach was big, but not as big as leilani's since she was having twins—ddot quickly went back over towards leilani before helping her to the car.

leilani sat down in the passenger seat as she closed her eyes and breathed heavily. these girls were ready to get out now.


leilani held onto one of her twin baby girls as ddot held onto the other one. he stood over leilani protectively as she examined him.

"can't believe i pushed out two humans." leilani said in disbelief as ddot let out a small laugh. reina was sleep on his arms and she was cuddled onto his chest.

"they're perfect ddot, we make cute babies." lani said as ddot nodded quickly. "keimeir over there slumped, he had enough of the crying." ddot said as him and leilani laughed at the sleeping keimeir in the corner with the phone laid down on top of him and he was snoring loudly.

"i love our little family, we're goals for real." leilani said as ddot nodded. "we been that." ddot said as leilani smiled at him.

"people wanna be us so bad." ddot said adding into it as leilani laughed. but she quickly stopped seeing reign starting to move a bit.

"i'm so tired, i'm happy they're finally sleep though." leilani said as ddot let out a small hum as he ran his fingers on top of reina's hair gently.

"good hair, again." ddot said proudly as leilani nodded with a smile. "go to sleep lani, i got them." ddot said as he went over to the small nursing crib the hospital provided before gently laying down reina.

"are you sure? you sleep aswell." lani said strictly as ddot let out a small laugh before nodding and walking back over towards her.

"yeah ima sleep too, we need sleep while we can get it." ddot said as he gently grabbed reign from leilani and put her next to her twin.

"i love you, goodnight." leilani said smiling at ddot as he kissed her on her forehead before walking back over to the bed him and keimeir laid in.

"i love you more, goodnight mama." ddot said before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

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