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LEILANI held onto keimeir as he cried in her arms. she tried to get him into the water, but he was throwing a fit and crying loudly.

other parents were staring to stare from how loud he was crying. but keimeir was just dramatic, he got it from his mom and uncle dd.

"papa calm down, you're okay." leilani said soothing as she picked up keimeir. he laid his head down onto her chest while wiping his eyes.

ddot looked at the situation as he shook his head at the two. "lani bring me my son." ddot said with his hands on his hips as notti and kj laughed.

"boy please, he's fine he's just tired." leilani said as the group laughed at the two. she then went back infront of the water as she leaned down slightly.

she couldn't really go fully down because of her stomach, but she was able to go a bit low. leilani placed keimeir into the water as he started touching it gently.

"ooo told you." leilani said sticking her tongue out as the group laughed at the two. ddot just rolled his eyes before watching the two.

"lani be careful please and don't fall." ddot said as she nodded quickly before she stood up and picked keimeir up aswell.

"alright alright, let's go to daddy." leilani said as she slowly waddled over to ddot. she was still very much pregnant. she was due in about a month now.

ddot held his hands out as leilani walked up to him before handing him keimeir. ddot then took him and keimeir at the end of the pool where he sat down. he stuck his feet into the water as he watched his two bestfriends play in the pool.

dd held onto his water gun as he shot notti with the water that sprayed out of it. "dickhead." notti said as his hair was soaking wet.

dd and ddot just laughed at the boy before ddot held onto keimeir tightly. he sat keimeir down onto his lap as he held him above the water.

ddot gently lowered keimeir as he dipped his feet into the water before quickly pulling kj back onto him. keimeir started laughing causing ddot to laugh aswell.

"i'm so hungry." lena said holding onto her hat as brooklyn and leilani nodded. "watch this yall!" kj yelled as all four boys watched him jump into the pool.

the group laughed as he came back up from the water with his hands in the air. "they're like children, it's so cute though." leilani said as the two girls nodded.

"so what we eating? chipotle? mcondalds? let me know!" lena yelled out to her fiancé as the group laughed at the two.

"i'm starving, i want red lobster." leilani said as the two tilted their head at the suggestion. "yall want red lobsters?" brooklyn asked all boys as they nodded.

"red lobster it is." lena said shrugging as the girls laughed before they all leaned back in their chairs.

"dd shoot me one more time and ima deck yo ass." jay said as they all laughed. dd then tilted his water gun at ddot as he shook his head quickly.

"i got my son in my hands, you shoot me and me and you gon be fighting for real." ddot said as the group laughed at the two.

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