𝐒𝟐~𝟑𝟑-𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃❣︎

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(idc if these dates don't match up, i'm jus ready to finish this damn book 😭)

LIELANI examined herself through the mirror as she fixed the ends of her wedding dress. this was a big moment for her. it was her wedding day

leilani never would've thought she would get married before she met ddot. she always would get her heart broken by these different guys until ddot walked in her life.

he showed her what true love was, and she was forever greatful for him. he was the best partner, the best dad, and her bestfriend.

"lani you almost ready? we go out in 15." lena said as leilani sighed before looking back and forth between her sister and bestfriend.

"yes i'm so ready, but i'm really nervous." leilani said truthfully as lena tilted her head at her baby sister. "you've known this man for 3 years ongoing into 4, you're ready to marry this man lani." brooklyn said as the two girls laughed.

"you're right, just give me 5 minutes and i'll be out." leilani said as the two girls nodded.

she then looked at the floor seeing her two baby girls playing by with some rose petals onto the floor. "yall ready to see mami walk down the isle?" leilani said with a smile as reign and raina looked up at lani.

"cmon girls, mami getting ready." lena said as she picked up reina, and brooklyn picked up reign. "you're so perfect lani, we're ready whenever you are." brooklyn said winking at her bestfriend as leilani let out a small laugh.

she was forever appreciated of everybody around her, brooklyn had her throughout her breakup and since childhood, and lena was her bestfriend.

leilani then let out a small sigh before going over towards the door and calling out to lena and brooklyn. "yall, i'm ready!" leilani said as the girls nodded before getting ready to walk down the isle.

reign and reina walked down the isle looking around clueless as brooklyn slowly helped them down the isle. "throw your flowers girls!" brooklyn asked posing before crouching down with her 5 month old daughter bri in her hands.

reina looked at brooklyn before slowly walking down the isle again. she then stopped infront of her father before a smile was on her face.

the crowd awed before reign came up from behind her sister and stopped aswell. "hey mamas." ddot coo'd from above them as he laughed at his twin girls.

reign then dumped all of her petals onto the floor as the crowd laughed at the girls. seeing her sister dumb the petals on the ground, reina did the same and the crowd lost it.

eventually lena and brooklyn walked down the before they all got into position. now that was left was for leilani to walk down the isle.

and a few seconds later, leilani started walking down the isle with kj on her arm as she examined everybody before her eyes stopped on ddot.

he looked incredibly handsome, and she wanted to tear him apart right there. but she couldn't forget her beautiful two baby girls. keimeir hadn't come down the isle yet, he was the ring carrier.

ddot watched the love of his life walk down the isle in her pretty white wedding dress. leilani examined ddot with love in her eyes as she finally stopped at the alter.

"you look good mami." ddot said smirking at leilani as she smiled before laughing. "save that for when i leave." kj said making a stank face as leilani and ddot laughed at him.

he then hugged leilani before going over to sit down with brooklyn and their babygirl.

leilani held onto ddot's hands as the priest started getting ready. but before he started, notti and dd guided keimeir down the isle as he held onto the rings.

"papa so handsome." leilani said as keimeir smiled at his parents. he then finally got up to the alter before looking behind him and seeing everybody.

"mama." keimeir said before sitting the pillow with the rings onto the floor as the crowd including leilani and ddot laughed.

"yes baby." leilani said before crouching down and giving keimeir a kiss on the cheek. "go with uncle dd and notti okay?" leilani said as keimeir nodded before turning around and going over to notti and dd.

the two then continued before finally just finally, they were able to put the rings on and call eachother husband and wife.

everybody cheered as leilani and ddot kissed eachother passionately. dd covered keimeir's eyes as the group laughed.

leilani and ddot realized that what they needed all along was right infront of them. they were forever gonna have eachother and be perfect for themselves and their kids.

some stories always don't turn out well, but for leilani and ddot? their story was forever.

until then!


(yall this was a good ass story, i jus needed to hurry cuz im publishing another book most likely right after this 😭, i really hope yall enjoyed it & i love yall so much im forever greatful for all of you 🤍. meet me in the next book lmaoooo

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