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(time skip)


LEILANI quickly followed ddot to the car as he said he had a surprise for her—today was her birthday, and he wanted to do something special for her

but leilani had already told him previously before that she didn't want to do anything big, so he respected her wishes. she said she wanted to stay in with ddot and keimeir, last year on her birthday keimeir was still in her womb, so she couldn't do anything really either.

but now that he was out and she wasn't pregnant—she could do something this year right? but leilani still didn't want to do anything, she wanted to stay in. once again

even if she decided she didn't want to do anything, ddot was still gonna make her birthday special—inside or outside.

but they don't call ddot the event planner for nothing, ddot had already made plans for leilani—that's why they were out so late. and that's why he made her pack an overnight bag.

thankfully lena decided she would take keimeir for the night and they would get him tomorrow—if it was up to ddot, he would've took leilani out of state, but she would be anxious leaving keimeir alone in a different state. (she better than me tf cuz fuck them kids im going to bora bora 😭)

so he decided to just get them a hotel, he already had it decorated—now all that was left was to take her and suprise her. she would even get an extra suprise later.

"you ready?" ddot asked turning his head to the sleepy leilani as she nodded her head slowly—ddot then nodded himself before he pulled out of the driveway and made his way to the hotel.

around ten minutes later, leilani and ddot finally pulled up to the hotel as he grabbed both of their bags and checked them in—he made leilani go first so she would be the first to go in.

ddot told her all the directions, and now she was almost fully woke—the hotel was very quiet and all you heard was leilani running around everywhere. it was 10pm at night

ddot couldn't help but laugh at the energetic girl—leilani really represented keimeir a lot when it came to their energy levels. if keimeir could run, the two definitely would have to chase him everywhere.

"lani slow down." ddot said laughing at the girl as she quickly examined every hotel room before finally stopping infront of theirs.

"cmon cmon." leilani said excitedly as she waited for grandpa ddot to follow up behind her—she already knew the hotel was decorated, she knew ddot and she knew his ways.

she just didn't know how it looked, and what kind of gifts were inside—leilani was like a child when it came to gifts, she loved unwrapping them and seeing what was inside.

leilani looked at ddot as she waited for him to hand her the keycard—ddot slowly reached in his pocket while staring at the impatient leilani the whole time.

"ddot stop!" leilani said complaining as he laughed before handing her the keycard. she quickly put it in excitedly as she was about to walk in before ddot put his hand around her eyes.

# 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘- 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐃𝐃𝐎𝐓Where stories live. Discover now