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LEILANI carefully took keimeir out of the bathrub before going into the room so she could get him dressed—her and darrian were gonna be taking him to the mall with them. it was a bit chilly outside, so he would need a jacket and a blanket. leilani laid keimeir down as he wiggled a bit. leilani then coo'd at the baby as he giggled loudly. "i love you.." leilani said quietly while admiring keimeir. he was such a cute baby

"alright let mommy get you dressed." leilani said smiling at him as he smiled back—she walked over to the dresser before picking out a outfit for him.

(their outfits)

(their outfits)

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leilani quickly got keimeir dressed as she walked away from him to get her own clothes—leilani kept glancing behind her to make sure keimeir didn't roll off the bed or anything

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leilani quickly got keimeir dressed as she walked away from him to get her own clothes—leilani kept glancing behind her to make sure keimeir didn't roll off the bed or anything. "kj please don't hurt yourself." leilani said quickly trying to grab her clothes. she quickly picked out her outfit as she stood back infront of keimeir.

"mommy's comin alright?" leilani said to the sleepy kj—she quickly got dressed as she fixed her hair. "alright..where's daddy?" leilani asked picking up keimeir. she then walked towards the room door before opening it and walking out. leilani took her and keimeir into the living room where ddot was.

"alright we're ready." leilani said as ddot nodded—"his stroller in the car." ddot said as leilani nodded herself. "he's getting bigger darrian, i'm sad." leilani said as her and darrian walked to the front door. keimeir was almost 6 months now, and he was growing. "i know, we gotta order him some new clothes." ddot said as leilani nodded agreeing.

ddot opened the door for the two as they walked outside—the three walked over by the car as ddot opened the door again. leilani smiled a bit at him as she quickly buckled the sleepy keimeir in the car seat. she then closed the door before getting into the passenger seat as the door was already open for her.

"ight, you in?" ddot asked turning his head to leilani as she smiled at him while nodding—she appreciated how ddot was being nice to her, she had been a bit moody the past few days. so it was nice that ddot wasn't taking it to heart—ddot quickly pulled off as they made their way to the mall.


ddot and leilani walked around the mall as keimeir was fast alsrep in his fathers arms—"let's go into here." leilani said pointing to pandora. she wanted to buy herself a mom charm to match with her empty bracket. "whatchu need outta here?" ddot asked leilani curiously as he watched her examine the different pieces of jewelry.

"just some charms, maybe another bracket." leilani said as she went to a different case—"you need me to pay for it?" ddot asked while switching the sleeping keimeir in a different position. "no, thank you though." leilani said with a small smile as ddot hummed.

she then went to a different clear display before calling the worker over—"this one please." leilani said pointing to a mom charm. the worker nodded as he pulled the different charms out. "can i get this too?" leilani asked pointing to a K charm. the worker got everything she asked before they went over to the counter to pay.

about 5 minutes later the worker handed leilani the newly bag with her charms as they left the store—"where now?" ddot asked leilani as she pointed to foot locker. she just needed a few things out of the store, then they could eat. ddot just nodded as the three of them headed inside foot locker.

ddot was sitting down while he fixed keimeir's blanket—the boy had been sleep for a while, and he looked very comfortable in his fathers arms. ddot looked down at his sleeping son while he smiled a bit at him. there was nothing in the world ddot wouldn't do for his son. he was his everything.

ddot watched leilani go up and down throughout the sections—he then looked down as he got on his phone waiting for the girl. about 5 minutes later leilani stood infront of ddot with 2 bags on her shoulders. "i'm ready." leilani said with a smile before she sat down besides ddot.

"whatchu get?" ddot asked snickering as leilani pulled out one box from the bag—she then opened it showing baby jordan 4's. "they're so cute!" leilani coo'd as ddot laughed at the girl. the shoes were adorable, and leilani couldn't wait for keimeir to put them on—she then put the box up before she pulled out the box that was at the bottom of the bag.

leilani slowly opened it showing ddot the matching shoes as she smirked at him—"they're yours." leilani said as ddot raised his eyebrows a bit shocked. "for real?" ddot asked as leilani nodded quickly. she then put the shoes up as she watched ddot's reaction. "i got us all matching shoes." leilani said as she pointed to the seperate box on the floor.

"my shoes in there, but we all got matching." leilani said with a proud smile on her face—and ddot was just in awe. the fact that leilani took her time out of the day to buy them all matching shoes made him feel good on the inside. "that was nice." ddot said nodding his head in approval, the action meant a lot to him more than leilani knew.

"you wanna go eat now?" leilani asked as ddot nodded—keimeir was starting to wake up a bit, so they were gonna leave quickly. "by the time he wakes up he won't go back for another nap." leilani said as her and ddot walked out of the store.

ddot laughed a bit at leilani as they continued walking to the food court. it was nice when ddot and leilani got along, usually the two would be arguing—but they're learning to become better for their son. 

(an: hey yawlllllll, this chapter was a lazy one so if it was boring my bad ! ian feel like writing today ngl. but i got yall spring break 🤤 it's the 15th ! i'm all yalls , n i might be releasing my new tyler book 🤭🫵🏽. and as always, if yall see a misspelled work, no yall don't 🌚)

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