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LEILANI walked inside her sisters home along with brooklyn as she threw her hands in the air—"sissy!" leilani said loudly as lena came rushing over to the two. "i missed yall!" lena said rocking the two back and forth as they all huddled together.

"we gotta go out." brooklyn said as the two girls nodded agreeing—they definitely needed a girls day, lena was stressing about her and jay's engagement, brooklyn was just needing time out, and leilani was going through things with ddot.

"mann." leilani said as brooklyn lifted her car keys in the air—"i say we go to the nail salon and get our feet and nails done." brooklyn said shrugging as all three of them smirked at eachother.

"...just a suggestion." brooklyn said as lena laughed while pushing all three of them out of the door—"i'm geeked!" leilani said as the girls all headed to brooklyn's car.


the girls all entered the nail salon before going up to the front desk—"what color y'all gettin?" lena asked the two girls as leilani looked at her nails.

"i'm feeling white." leilani said as brooklyn nodded agreeing—"think i might do pink." lena said as the girls nodded.

"all i know is that my nails and toes about to be white." leilani said with excitement in her voice as the two girls laughed at the youngest one.

"make sure you don't get them dirty, you have a child." lena said as leilani laughed—they then went to the chairs as they sat down.

"so what should we do after this?" lena asked as leilani thought—"get our lashes done." leilani suggested as the girls agreeing with that idea.

"i been needing mine done." lena said as they hummed—leilani was getting her feet washed as her phone started vibrating in her pocket.

leilani quickly grabbed her phone as she saw ddot's contact name flashing onto her screen—"hold on y'all, my baby daddy callin." leilani said with a smirk on her face as lena and brooklyn laughed.

"hellooo." leilani said answering the phone as ddot propped his phone up while looking at her suspiciously—"where you at." ddot said while showing keimeir in the camera.

"the nail salon, keimeir!" leilani said getting distracted as soon as she saw her son—ddot laughed at his son who was now smiling at the phone.

"look he miss me." leilani said pointing as ddot made a stank face—"no he don't." ddot said shaking his head as leilani smacked her lips.

"you just a hater." leilani said rolling her eyes as ddot laughed—"white toes for the hoes?" ddot asked as leilani laughed.

"you not that nigga or nothin, but you ate that lil one thing." leilani said as lena and brooklyn laughed at her—ddot just laughed aswell.

"but for real tho." ddot said as leilani nodded slowly—"white toes for the hoes." she said repeating herself as ddot smirked.

"you got white cuz that's my favorite color?" ddot asked with a smirk on his face as leilani shook her head quickly—"boy no." she said, but she was lying and ddot could tell.

"yeah ight." he said as he sat keimeir down in his high chair—"finna feed him some polio." ddot said as leilani nodded.

"that sound so good right now, save me some!" leilani said as ddot laughed—"if keimeir don't devour it." he said as leilani laughed. ddot then grabbed the camera showing keimeir slapping the high air.

"you better feed my son quickly, he boutta start cryin." leilani said laughing as ddot shook his head—"he spoiled." ddot said as he sat the food infront of keimeir.

"i know." leilani said as ddot sat his phone back up—"ight ima call you later lani, show me ya set whenever you done." ddot said as leilani nodded at the boy.

"okay i gotchu." she said before she blew a kiss at him and keimeir—"bye bye!" leilani said as she then hung up.

"i needa nap, wake me up when we finished." leilani said as brooklyn and lena nodded.


leilani walked into her and ddot's shared house as she saw the living and kitchen was empty—she then hummed to herself before she headed upstairs.

leilani stood infront of their shared bedroom before going in—and she was met with the sight of ddot and keimeir sleeping in the bed.

"this is so cute." leilani said pulling out her phone before she took a picture of the two—she then walked up closer as she took off her shoes and sat down onto the bed.

ddot moved at the noise before he opened his eyes seeing leilani staring at him—and she looked too good. she had a fresh new set, and her lashes were done.

"you had a good nap?" leilani said the boy as she then climbed into the bed next to him and keimeir.

"yea.." ddot said rubbing his eyes as he examined leilani further—"you look good." he said as she smiled at him. "thank you." she said geeked as he let out a small laugh.

he then picked up the sleeping keimeir before laying him onto his chest gently—"he been sleep for a while, he not getting no sleep tonight." ddot said as leilani nodded.

"he'll go to sleep if i put him to bed." leilani said as ddot laughed—she then scooted next to him before wrapping her arms around his torso.

"i'm hit, goodnight." leilani said as ddot rubbed her back up and down—she quickly drifted off to sleep as ddot did the same.

(ik ik ik ik, i been focused on my other books ya i'm sorry 😭)

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