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(if it's spelling mistakes no its not)

LEILANI quickly got herself ready before she went over to ddot who had just got finished getting ready aswell—today was keimeir's 1st birthday, he was finally one and it was an emotional day for leilani.

leilani had been crying with keimeir by her side all night—she couldn't believe her baby boy was one year old now, and her pregnancy hormones wasn't helping at all.

"i think i'm gonna start crying again." leilani said frowning while looking at ddot who had just got finished getting dressed.

the two would be having a photoshoot later, and a small party threw for keimeir at the house—"is the cake ready?" ddot asked leilani as she walked over to his and buttoning his shirt.

"i'm pretty sure, i asked kj and brooke to pick it up later, but we gotta go wake keimeir up." leilani said excitedly as ddot nodded.

the two then exited the bedroom before going across the hall to where keimeir was—leilani and ddot slowly opened the door as keimeir stood up in his crib before laughing seeing his parents.

"happy birthday babyboy." leilani said as ddot picked keimeir up before kissing him all over his face—"i can't believe he's already one." leilani said as she stopped her tears from coming.

"kj tell ya mommy to stop cryin and give you kisses." ddot said as leilani laughed before she playfully hit ddot on the shoulder.

he then handed keimeir to leilani as she grabbed him gently and kissed him—"i love you, can you say mama." leilani said as keimeir smiled at her.

"da..da." keimeir said mumbling as ddot and leilani looked at eachother with shock—keimeir had never said dada or mama before

ddot quickly picked keimeir up before lifting him in the air—"he just said dada." ddot said to leilani as she nodded laughing at the two. keimeir didn't know what was going on, but seeing his father all happy made him start laughing.

the two then headed downstairs after cheering to start prepping the decorations. everybody would be coming over today to celebrate keimeir's birthday.

leilani sat keimeir in his playpen as her and ddot quickly started setting up. they already bought the decorations and cake and everything the day before, so all they really needed to do was set it up.

"i'll decorate the kitchen, you can decorate the living room." leilani told ddot as he nodded before starting to clean up everything so he would be able to decorate.

leilani almost immediately got started with the food, she wouldn't be able to hang anything up, and that's where the others came in.

leilani grabbed her phone before unlocking it and going to her group chats. she clicked the one with everybody in it. she called it as she waited for them to answer.

"hellooo." lena said showing herself and jay driving in the car. followed by her was brooklyn and kj who was currently walking to the car.

"hey guys, we on our way lani." kj said as leilani nodded. "we woulda been there if jay actually loaded the car before we left." lena said rolling her eyes as they all heard jay smack his lips.

the group laughed before notti and dd joined the call, "dd you takin mad long, we gotta dip." notti told his brother over the phone as dd mugged him.

"don't be rushing me, it take time to look this good." dd said fixing his hair as notti rolled his eyes as the others laughed.

"my son one y'all." leilani said fake crying as they laughed. "and i need help putting up the decorations, my stomach too big." leilani said propping her phone up and showing her baby bump.

"we on our way lani, be there ina minute." kj said as she nodded before they all eventually hung up.

"lani you want me to do it? i'm almost finished." ddot asked her from the living room as she quickly shook her head.

"i'm good, i'm cooking the food right now." leilani told him as ddot said okay. she then continued cooking as she waited for the group to come.

around 10 minutes later the whole gang came inside the house as they greeted keimeir first. they started singing happy birthday as dd lifted him in the air.

leilani and ddot just watched before singing along aswell. "okay so the food is all done, let's get ready to take pictures." leilani said clapping as ddot brought keimeir into the dining room where he sat him down.

brooklyn carries keimeir's cake over before placing it infront of him. "say cheese kj." lena said as kj walked over to keimeir and posed.

the group laughed before he moved so everybody could take pictures of the boy. "this theme is so cute." lena said as everybody agreed.

(ignore the walker, pretend it say keimeir, & pretend he sitting there.)

everybody quickly took their pictures before they let keimeir eat his cake

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everybody quickly took their pictures before they let keimeir eat his cake. thankfully they had a backup cake, so keimeir had one all to himself.

"alright, let him open his gifts." dd said as everybody agreed. leilani picked up the messy keimeir before they all moved into the living room where keimeir's gifts sat.

they all helped him open the different gifts as they tested them out. and they had a good time for the rest of the day.

(ending it like this cuz i'm tired & i got testin tmr 💔)

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