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LEILANI walked outside of lena's bathroom as her and brooklyn were sitting on the bed waiting for leilani to finish getting ready. all three of them were gonna be going out to the club, and it was very much needed.

leilani had been stressed recently with her recently moving into ddot's home, keimeir had a bad fever and they had to take him to the hospital—it was just too much, so she finally got the time to herself and she was definitely gonna spend it wisely.

thankfully keimeir was with his uncle—so leilani could have fun without worrying tonight. now ddot was at the studio with notti and dd, so he didn't know about leilani's whereabouts—and she would like to keep it that way. because if she didn't, ddot would be trying to make her stay home—and we all know leilani wouldn't.

"i don't know yall, is it ugly?" leilani asked standing infront of lena's mirror as the two girls mugged her—"you know damn well that outfit cute, now cmon in ready to get drunk." lena said throwing her hands in the air as brooklyn laughed. "no i can't, i'm taking it off." leilani said as she went back inside the bathroom.

brooklyn quickly stood up from the bed as she went inside the bathroom—leilani was acting like she didn't rock every outfit she put on. "leilani marie jackson, keep this outfit on it's cute!" brooklyn said reassuring her bestfriend as leilani sighed loudly.

"fine." leilani said as lena clapped from outside of the bathroom causing the two girls to laugh—"drinks here we come." lena said excitedly as they then left the house.


leilani and the two girls walked inside the nightclub as they scanned their id's—"i'm finna get fucked up yall." brooklyn said as leilani and lena nodded agreeing. "for real, i need it." leilani said as the girls almost immediately headed to the bar.

they sat down at the bar as the bartender took their orders—"am i tryna get fucked up, or just a bit fucked up.." leilani mumbled to herself as she examined the different types of drinks on the menu. "yall ordered?" leilani asked looking at her sister and bestfriend as they nodded.

"can i have a sex on the beach?" leilani requested as the bartender nodded quickly getting started on the girls drinks—"after we drink this we going to dance." lena said as leilani and brooklyn nodded. "no niggas tonight, i'm loving this." brooklyn said as leilani nodded agreeing.

it was nice being able to have fun without worrying for a day—leilani needed to get out the house more often. "here you are." the bartender said setting leilani her drink down as she looked at it amazed. it had salt all around the edges and it was very pretty.

"i gotta take a picture hold on." leilani said as she grabbed her phone besides her and unlocked it—she clicked on the camera as she started taking pictures different angles. leilani was about to sit her phone down until it started vibrating in her hand.

leilani tilted her head as she saw ddot's contact name flashing across her screen—she quickly answered as he almost immediately started interrogating her. "where you at, and why i hear music?" ddot asked getting into the car as leilani sat there quietly.

"uh, you don't?" leilani said trying to play dumb before she put herself on mute—"leilani stop playing with me for real." ddot said cutting his car on before setting the phone up. "i'm not." leilani said taking herself off mute as she quickly put herself back on after she got done talking.

"are you at the fucking club?" ddot asked mugging her as she unmuted herself—"no, i'm at home listening to music." leilani said as ddot glared at her through the phone even though her camera was off. "see you must think i'm dumb lani." ddot said as he then grabbed his phone quickly going to find my location.

soon as he got onto the app he checked leilani's location—and sure enough she was at the club. "i'm finna come pick you up, cuz bro." ddot said as leilani quickly shook her head no—"no i'm not leaving." leilani said as she took another sip of her drink.

"yes you are, now get ready." ddot said as leilani shook her head no again before she hung up on the boy—"this girl." ddot said annoyed as he pulled off hurriedly heading to the club.

"yall we got a problem." leilani said looking at brooklyn and lena who was enjoying their drinks—"what?" brooklyn asked tilting her head as leilani put half her nail into her mouth awkwardly—"ddot on his way.." leilani said as lena and brooklyn both threw their hands up in unison.

"are you deadass." lena said rolling her eyes as leilani nodded quickly—"i told him not to come, but y'all already know he will!" leilani said as the girls groaned loudly. "yall he finna beat my ass for real." leilani said as they shook their head. "can't help you with that one friend." brooklyn said as lena nodded slowly.

"oh my gosh, he got my location too." leilani said as she sat there deadpanning herself on the forehead—she then looked at her half drunken drink before she sighed. "oh well, might aswell finish my drink before i die." leilani said dramatically as the girls laughed.

and leilani took about two sips of her drink before she felt a tap on her shoulder—and surely enough it was ddot, and boy did he look mad..

"let's go." ddot said pointing behind him as leilani rolled her eyes before she stood up out of the barstool—"ima see yall later." leilani said waving at the girls as they nodded.

"bye yall." ddot said to the girls as they waved goodbye to him. "be safe!" lena yelled to her sister as leilani threw a thumbs up as ddot had his hands on her shoulder—and was leading her outside the club.

"soon as we get gone it's up." ddot said getting into the car as leilani rolled her eyes—"loser." leilani said as ddot shook his head. "who you tryna look good for?" ddot said examining leilani's outfit as she looked down looking at it aswell. she thought the outfit wasn't cute—but hearing ddot's thoughts about it made he feel good.

"you." leilani said smirking at the boy as he looked at her—"yeah ight." ddot said as he turned the car on. leilani was just looking at him with a smirk on her face. "i'm for real." leilani said coming closer as she started planting kissed on ddot's neck.

"move leilani, you know you can't finish this if you start." ddot said as she laughed before she moved over to his lips—leilani grabbed ddot by the chin as she started kissing him, and he kissed back. ddot then turned his head before he grabbed leilani by her throat as they started kissing more passionately.

"hurry and get home." leilani said pulling away as ddot quickly pulled off—"now when we get home you better not change ya mind, cuz you already started." ddot said as leilani nodded eagerly.

and just know, that's exactly how their night ended.

(hey yall....!!!! i don't write smut ab minors sorry 🙈)

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