Ch 25: Light and Darkness

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After Balmus wiped out the subjugation force, he trapped himself and the heroes inside a spell called "Cathedral".

Motoyasu: we're trapped!

Ren: This isn't good

Itsuki: it looks like we won't be able to cut off his mana supply

Ryuji: Ren, Motoyasu, Itsuki have your parties deal with the surrounding knights while all of us focus on the pope!

Ren: *nod*

Itsuki: fine

Myne: Sir Motoyasu, don't listen to him!

Motoyasu: Sorry Myne, we don't have a choice

The three heroes told their respective party members to handle the knights while they focused on Balmus.

Ren: "Thunderbolt Slash"!

Itsuki: "Thunder Shot"!

The two unleashed their attacks, but it was blocked by a barrier.

Ryuji switched to his sword and shield and got on Ratha while Raphtalia did the same.

They then head straight for Balmus. 

Balmus attacked the trio with a wave of flames.

Ratha flew ahead, talking the fire while Ryuji raised his shield to protect himself and Raphtalia. 

Ratha struck the barrier with his talons, then smashed it to pieces.

Ryuji and Raphtalia leaped towards Balmus with their swords drawn.

Balmus changed his spear into a sword and was barely able to block Raphtalia's attack but failed to block Ryuji, taking a cut to his chest.

Balmus swung his his sword to send out a magic slash, forcing the two to back off.

He slumped to the ground but was then healed.

As this was happening, Naofumi got on Filo's back and rushed towards Balmus while carrying Motoyasu.

Naofumi: Motoyasu, when we get close, attack me! Got it!

Motoyasu: Huh!? Why?

Filo suddenly threw Motoyasu into the air, and Naofumi jumped after him.

Naofumi: Now!

Motoyasu: Fine!

Motoyasu attacked Naofumi's shield, causing flames to erupt. 

Ratha flew by and snatched Motoyasu away.

Naofumi then unleashed a burst of curse fire at Balmus. 

After recovering, Balmus quickly blocked it with his sword and purified the curse with his power.

Ryuji: *surprised* he dispelled the curse that easily

Naofumi: *angry* (he can do that, yet he practically charged me an arm to cure Raphtalia!)

Balmus: All curses are meaningless within the walls of this cathedral. We are standing on grounds blessed by God himself! no, since i wield this weapon, I am god!

Balmus sends a burst of air, blowing everyone away.

Balmus: Can you hear me out there, bishop?! I need the believers to pray harder, to show them the might of God!

More mana started flowing into the cathedral and gathered to the replica weapon.

Balmus: With the power hat this sacred weapon can muster, I shall purify you, which you rightfully deserve!

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