Bonus Chapter: Your Name Is

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Two days after Ren and Eclair's match, I was exhausted for doing the Ki training with Elrasla.

Elrasla thankfully allowed us all to rest to recover our stamina.

Rishia: *panting* Fue. im exhausted...

Ryuji: Tell me about it... *pant* I thought I was gonna die...

Motoyasu: I need... *pant* I want to sleep...

Elrasla: Alright, you kids. You'll have five minutes to rest, and we'll go right back to training

I was too exhausted to complain, so I gave up speaking.

As i was sweating so much, i thought i was melting, I remembered that I still haven't summoned the last monster I unlocked at Cal Mira.

Ryuji: "Summon"!

My weapon glowed brightly, catching everyone's attention.

Light came out of my weapon and changed into the shape of a giant horned primate.

As the light vanished, the Rajang I summoned beat his chest and roared.

As the light vanished, the Rajang I summoned beat his chest and roared

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Motoyasu: What the heck!?

Ren: Ryuji, what are you doing!?

Ryuji: I figured since im resting, I might as well summon this guy so I can make a pact with him

Itsuki: im actually curious about how you form a pact

Naofumi: it's nothing too dramatic. He just has to give a name to his new monsters

Motoyasu: Is that seriously it?

Ryuji: Yeah. It's that simple

Raphtalia: So what kind of name are you gonna give him?

Ryuji: Well, these guys are kind of a reference to a race in the anime Dragon ball called "Saiyans." I figured i should come up with a saiyan name for the big guy

Filo: saiyan name?

Naofumi: You basically just say the name of a vegetable weirdly

As I was trying to come up with a name, Motoyasu approached me and rested his arm over my shoulder.

Motoyasu: If that's how it works, then let me help you think of a name

Ryuji: Huh?

Ren: I'll help too

Itsuki: you've probably stressed out a lot to come up with names for all of your monsters. So let us help

I was surprised that these three are willing to help, but I didn't mind the help since saiyan names are just vegetables.

Ryuji: Sure. I appreciate it

While we were brainstorming some names, I realized that the reason why these three and their parties offered to help is to stall for time so we can rest longer.

After coming up with names, most of which were already taken by cannon saiyans, I ultimately decided to name my Rajang "Toriyama," after the creator of Dragon ball.

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