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Phana sighed. He is reading some books in the med foodcourt in their lunch time because he have some long examination later after lunch. He planned to read some few lessons before getting his food in the stall because he still have some time. He don't need to pushed himself to his limit. He can just take it slow. 

Beam and Kit is currently in the line to get their lunches from different stall so Phana is currently alone while reading in their table. Phana is actually enjoying his time while reading and understanding the lessons on the book when suddenly a guy take a seat beside him. 

Phana smelled the vanilla scented perfume after that guy take a seat beside him and without looking, Phana already knows who it was. He knows that smell and he can't be wrong. It was his junior moon from engineering. The Campus Moon this year. Mingkwan Dechapanya from engineering batch 67. 


“What do you want now?” Phana asked. He didn't even return the greatings from Mingkwan. “I told you that I won't agreed with your plan, right? Why can't you just leave me alone and find someone you can play with or someone who can help you with your bullshit plan.”

“Hey!” he gasped. Mingkwan feels like Phana is trying to say that he is stupid in the nicest way that he knew. In Mingkwan's mind, he is not agreeing with that. No way he will agreed with that because first of all, he knows his plan is not stupid. It was one of the best plan that he can think of. 

“Why? I am right. Don't try to deny it.”

“First of all. My plan is not bullshit.”

“For you, yes. But for me, that was bullshit and let's be honest here, Nong. Your plan is fucking useless.”


Phana turn his body to face Mingkwan. He looks at his eyes. “Don't gaslight yourself, Nong. Okay, look. You are here and asking me to be your boyfriend–”

“Fake boyfriend–”

“I know.”

“Okay okay I just want to make it clear because who knows, maybe you are really thinking that I liked you and I am seriously asking you to be my boyfriend.”

Phana immediately rolled his eyes. “Don't be too ahead of yourself, Nong. Anyway, back to where I am talking about earlier before you cut my sentence. You are asking me to be your fake boyfriend to make your crush jealous.”

“Yeah, and?”

“Your crush is my friend. Do you seriously think that he will feel jealous because of me? Do you seriously think that using me to make him jealous will work?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“He is my friend! He knows me since high school and if you are going to be my fake boyfriend. He won't even look at you nor gives you a chance to hit on him or flirt on him.” 

Mingkwan raised his eyebrows. He can't understand. He is not sure what is the connection of those words. Everything that Phana say is not making sense for him since he doesn't understand any of it. 

“Ohhhhhh your favorite Nong is here, huh.” Beam said teasingly while raising his eyebrows back and forth. Beam take a seat in front of Phana. He put his bag beside him but he make sure that there is enough space for Kit if Kit arrived in their table after getting his food in other stall. 

“He is not my favorite nong.” Phana said and looked at the book again. 

“I'm not your favorite? You hurts me, P'Pha.”

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