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Phana bites his lower lips and then looks at Mingkwan but to his surprised, when he turn his face towards Mingkwan, the younger one immediately claimed his lips.

Mingkwan pulled Phana's body closer to him and grabbed the butt part to squeeze it hard which made Phana moans in his mouth.

Phana never thought that someone grabbing his butt like that will make him moans. He encircle his arms on Mingkwan's nape and then opened his mouth to let Mingkwan sucks his tongue like what he did earlier in the parking lot.

The kissed earlier was his first and now is his second. Both of the times that he kissed someone is with Mingkwan and Phana never regret it. Mingkwan surely knows what he was doing. He knows how to put pleasure on Phana even by just a simple kiss.

Mingkwan's other hand starts unbottoning Phana's uniform and remove the neck tie. Phana is already half naked.

Mingkwan's kissed suddenly trails down to Phana's neck and it makes Phana looked up on the ceiling while rakkes Mingkwan's hair.

I put both of my hands on Mingkwan's hair and hold it tightly, pushing his head towards his body more when Mingkwan's lips crashed on Phana's nipple.

Mingkwan take his time sucking the right nipple while cupping the other hard chest. Using his right hands, Mingkwan start moving his fingers on the left nipple, flicking it few times before playing it. He did that back and forth while sucking the right nipple. Phana can't do anything because even if he wants to pushed Mingkwan away, his body betrayed him, his body screams that he wants what Mingkwan is doing.

“Aghhhhhh… M-Ming… nghhh…”

Mingkwan stopped what he was doing on Phana's chest and kissed Phana on his lips again. Phana returns his kissing and it seems like they are fighting for dominance.


Phana's hand pulled Mingkwan's faculty jacket in the floor and starts unbottoning the buttons on Mingkwan's uniform. Phana is too aroused so he is too high to even move his hands to unbotton Mingkwan's uniform. Phana only unbotton the three buttons above because when he nearly go to other, Mingkwan grabbed his right legs and put it in his waist. Phana knows what Mingkwan is trying to do so he stopped grabbing the button and just put his hand on the back of Mingkwan's neck and pushed his body to Mingkwan.

Phana's put his both legs, encircle on Mingkwan's waist the same time that Mingkwan put his hand on Phana's butt to support him. He is carrying Phana while both of them claimed each other's lips.

“Please put me in your bed.” Phana said while looking at Mingkwan's eyes when he pushed him a little to breath. No way he'll let it happen in just any part of the house. If they did it until main course, he want it to be inside the bedroom. 

Mingkwan nodded his head and walks closer to his bedroom, put Phana on the soft mattress softly and put himself above Phana.

Phana blinks while staring at Mingkwan's eyes. Phana reached at Mingkwan's face and bring it closer to his face to kissed him again while at the same time unbuckling the pants.

“Ahhhhh…” Mingkwan smirked between the kisses when suddenly Phana moaned in his ears, softly when he starts playing the tip on Phana's harden length. It makes Mingkwan's more aroused. The tone on Phana is super captivating, super seductive. Mingkwan continue playing with the tip of it before engulfing all of it between his hands. He starts stroking the dick up and down which made Phana more flustered than he is earlier. It was the first time someone did that to him. He likes it and he can't believe how awesome he feels right now.

Mingkwan enjoyed hearing those sinful moans from Phana's lips. He stroke it more and faster because he knows Phana is enjoying it too. Few seconds after that, he put it inside his mouth and played it using his tongue.

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