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Mingkwan looks at his phone time to time during the class discussion and Pali notice it. He can see how Mingkwan bites his lips, tapped his fingers on the table and open his phone. Mingkwan send a message to Phana earlier, asking if he was okay, if he got on his dorm fine and go to the university alright. He even asked Phana if he can meet him later at the foodcourt but Mingkwan didn't receive any messages back nor call from Phana.

“Ming.” Pali asked. “What's wrong?”

Neo looked at Mingkwan too just like what his boyfriend did. He might not be observant type of person but the way Mingkwan tapped his fingers in the table which causes some small sounds makes him pay attention to him. Mingkwan is not the type of person to do things like that in normal days. Today he did. He concluded that something is wrong.

Mingkwan sighed and he turn his head to his friends like he was defeated.



Both Pali and Neo asked in the same time. Looking at Mingkwan in that state. Something is happening. They are not sure what is the reason but both of them have idea about it. They saw the picture in the group page. Phana is wearing Mingkwan's shirt in the dorm building. They are sure that Phana sleep over to Mingkwan's place and maybe something happened between them.

“He is not answering my messages!” he exclaimed in whisper tone. He was desperate. Defeated.

“P'Pha?” Neo asked. Mingkwan nodded his head.

“Ming, you know that he is still in class, right?” Pali asked and Mingkwan nodded his head again. “Great great. I'm glad you're aware.”


Pali looked at him un-amused, “He might be in the middle of listening to the discussion, Ming. Just let him for now, geeez.”

“Do you missed him already? It's not even our lunch time.” Neo teased him but Mingkwan didn't retorts any of it. Mingkwan just looked at his phone defeated. He can't explain what is happening to him. When Phana left his dorm, he feels sad at some part. They way Phana looked at him with those cold glares, the way he used the cold tone, the way his expression is too plain, too poker. Mingkwan feels like something sting. Aside from that the words that Phana told him earlier keeps bugging him.

“You liked him so much?”

“Then just confess to him, tell him what you feel and tell him that you don't really like me and you are just trying to make him feel jealous by using me. Tell him that I agreed on that so he won't be mad at you for playing me.”

“Or if you don't want to confess then just find someone who will help you. But not me. Don't fucking involved me with your bullshit because I already have too much things to handle. I don't need to be involved with another bullshit.”

Mingkwan open his phone to looked at the inbox again. When he never find any message from Phana, he turn it off and put it in the table.

Neo looked at Pali and so does Pali. Both of them shared a a stare before shaking their head. They don't know what to do with their friend. Lovesick.

When the bell rang sign that class dismissed, Mingkwan immediately grabbed his bag and run towards the med faculty even if his friends called his name few times.

It's already lunch time and Phana should be on the med foodcourt so he goes there. Scanning the whole place to find where Phana is but he never saw him, in the stall and in the tables. Phana is not in the foodcourt but Phana's friend is there so he immediately walked towards them.

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