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I smiled while looking at the person I loved the most who are currently sleeping in my embraced. P'Pha is sleeping so soundly in my arms since few hours now and I don't complain actually. I'm too damn happy to even complain.

I remember the first time I saw P'Pha. It was during my high school days. I am walking in the field because I heard there are some friendly games from the higher level in our school. The game is soccer and personally, I don't really like playing it because I am more into billiards but Yo, my friend suddenly dragged me with him to watch it.

I thought I would be very disappointed while watching it but to my surprise, I loved the game.

P'Pha is there watching the game while P'Beam and their classmates are playing. P'Beam's group almost became the winning team because of their game play; they are good but the opposite team gave their all after the mid break. They won.

I can see the sadness in the eyes of P'Beam's teammates but P'Pha came to them and told them that they did great and they shouldn't be sad for losing because losing doesn't mean you are not good. It means that the opposing team is just as good.

That's how I started admiring P'Pha. I looked up to him but that's the last time I saw him because we got busy and P'Pha probably got busy too since they are graduating that time.

The next time I saw him, it was on the moon and star gathering. P'Pha is the current crown campus moon that time and he is the one who is handling the practice. I saw how responsible he was that time so I told myself that I will win the campus moon title and be like him.

During the practice with the other moon, I saw P'Pha talking with his friends. He is with P'Beam and P'Kit. That time I didn't know P'Kit, that's the first time I saw him. I got mesmerized by his beauty. In short, I got attracted. He was so simple, and so cute.

A crush, I developed a crush on him because of that. I even tried to flirt with him. I tried to ask for his number, social media accounts and even a time with him or so called date. I didn't say it openly or directly. I asked him subtly but he didn't get my hint.

I think of something to make him mine. I tried to think of so many plans but no one really succeed not until I was in the middle of thinking of a plan and I saw P'Pha walking in the hallway with a bundle of books in his hands. He put the book on the table inside the practice room for moon and star practice.

I walked to him and asked what he was going to do with those anatomy books and I don't know what the other books are but yeah, nevermind, I don't really remember what the book looks like.

P'Pha told me that after he teaches us the dance again, he will study during the break time so I nod my head. After that he taught us the dance again. He watched us with his eagle eyes. Even a slightest wrong move, he can spot. That's how good his eyes are.

When the break time comes. I walked to him and I said that I wanted his help.

I remember our conversation that time : 

“Please, P'Pha. Help me with it. Please? Just please. Please be my fake boyfriend.”


“Please? It's not that hard, isn't it? You just need to act like my boyfriend.”

“Wait wait I… wait, okay… I am trying to process all the things you say. Okay. Why do you want me to be your boyfriend?”

“Fake boyfriend, P'Pha. Fake boyfriend.”

“Okay, let me correct myself then. Why do you want me to be your fake boyfriend? Serious answer, please. Because I am really confused about everything. I don't understand why you need it. And why me?”

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