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It's been one week and few days after Mingkwan left him in his dorm because he told him everything is fine and he doesn't want Mingkwan to be guilty over what happened.

Between those days that he didn't saw Mingkwan even in the med foodcourt, it makes him sad. He missed Mingkwan but he knows pushing Mingkwan like that is the great decision he can ever do. Mingkwan should not blame himself nor feel guilty, Phana let it happen. He was not forced. He likes it too.

Phana personally doesn't like Mingkwan to be with him, taking care of him and spend the day with him just because he feels guilty over the things he should not. He is not the selfish to think about his own desire, his own happiness while the person he likes is not happy. Selfishness is not on his dictionary.

Phana flipped the page of the book because he is done reading that now. Then he start reading and understanding the next page. He is in the med foodcourt with his two friends. They are done eating their lunch but they still have one more hour before their next class will start so they just decided to stay on the foodcourt. It's beneficial for the three of them since if they suddenly got thirsty or hungry, they can just walks to the stall and buy some. The other students who stay on the foodcourt is same as them. All of them are in their own world.

Phana yawned. Actually he slept late last night. He read some books to make him tired but reading those books only makes him feels good, he enjoyed reading it so when he suddenly noticed the time, it was already around midnight. He tried to sleep after that but he only stare at the ceiling for almost half an hour before he drifts from sleep.

“You sleep late?” Kit asked Phana. He was the first one who saw that Phana yawned. It actually makes him yawned too in reflex.

Phana nod his head. “I did.”

“Take a nap first before continue reading.” Beam suggested but Phana shakes his head. If he sleep now he doesn't know what time he will wake up. Besides, he wants to sleep continuously without any distraction. Sleeping on the foodcourt is not a great idea for him.

Phana yawned again and Beam can't take it anymore, “Seriously, Pha? How many rounds did you and N'Ming do?”

“Beam!” Kit immediately smacked Beam's shoulder because of Beam's questions. It was too sudden and too rated. Even Phana didn't expect that.

“Oh, come on! We are not a kid anymore. We can talk about that thing freely. Besides, there's no kid around. You can just blurt it out, everything you want. You can even say some cursed words and no one will stop you.”

“But that doesn't mean all people are open to talk about that thing even if they are best friends.” Kit exclaimed. “Gosh, talking to you only makes me aged.”

Beam chuckles, put his hand on Kit's shoulder, “Come on, baby kitten. Don't say like that.”

“Gosh, remove your hands around my shoulder ew ew…” Kit said. Pushing Beam away from his body and looks at Phana who are shaking his head. “Pha, help me with this bitch.”

“I can't hear anything.” Phana mumbles which made Beam laughs and Kit throw a book on his head and he immediately catched it before hitting his face.

“Ghad, still grumpy as always.” Phana teases.

“Ghad, still nonchalant as always.” Kit said mimicking how Phana said that sentence with a rolled eyes.

Beam sit properly while still laughing. Phana and Kit is too funny for his taste. But then he saw some man lurking behind the wall and some tree not too far from them but when he tried to see how many is them and who is who, they suddenly run away. All of them.

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