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Phana is in the bed, facing down while fully naked. He was in his deep sleep since he was too tired but then his alarm makes him annoyed. He tried to get his phone in the bed in his left side because usually when he is sleeping on his own bed, he sleep on the right side and the phone is in the bed with him on his left side. He didn't open his eyes but he still tried to find where the phone.

“Here,” Mingkwan said and gives the phone on Phana's hand. He is asleep as well but the alarm wakes him up. Well, he is thankful that the alarm wake him up since he needs to go to the university too, he have morning class.

“Thank–” he was about to say thank you when the truth suddenly hits on Phana. He immediately opened his eyes and there, he saw Mingkwan looking at him. Then the memory of what happened last time strikes on his mind. All the kisses, the moans, the fingers who ruffles the hair, all the licking, sucking and marking sounds that they made. All the slopping sound that their thing created, the scream, the yells, the rushed breath. All of that suddenly flashed on Phana's.

“Hey, P'Pha? Are you not gonna put your phone on silent now?” Mingkwan snapped his fingers to Phana. Phana put the alarm off and then glances at Mingkwan. Both of them are looking at each other.

Phana actually didn't regret all of the things that they did last night. He might not expect it to happen but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it. In fact, Phana likes it. He loves how Mingkwan looked at him last night. Mingkwan's eyes is like screaming that he likes how submissive and fragile he is beneath him. Mingkwan also called him baby last night and that's what Phana really liked. Hearing the younger one called him baby while he called him daddy makes him feel hot, deeply hot. Seems like the flame was eating his whole system. He kind of want it to happen again.

Mingkwan on the other hand, stare at Phana. He is worried that the older one is in pain. He knows he did it rough in the end of the fucking but it's because Phana is too alluring, too seductive. He can't stopped himself with just one round so they did it three times in the same night before drifting to sleep.

Mingkwan's eyes suddenly trails down to Phana's butt and Phana noticed it. He smacked Mingkwan's forehead, “Don't stare at my ass, asshole.”

“Ow, I'm not staring.”

“And you expect me to believe that while you are openly scanning my back while I am facing down.”

Mingkwan chuckles a little then he worriedly said, “Just… want to know if you are okay.”


“Down there.” Mingkwan pointed at Phana's ass. “Is your hole okay? Should I look at it and inspect it to make sure?”

“No, don't you dare!” Phana yelped, he doesn't want Mingkwan to do anything to especially now. He carefully sit on the bed. He is cringing from pain.

“I don't have any painkillers, sorry, wait, I'll get some outside.”

Phana hold Mingkwan's hand to stop him from walking, “No need.”

“But, P'Pha. You are—”

“You have morning class today, right?”

“Yes.” Mingkwan said and take a sit beside Phana, “How did you know? I don't remember telling you about it.”

“Oh!” Phana silently gasped then turn his gaze away, “Why don't you just eat your breakfast now so you won't be late for class?” Phana suggestively said. He tried not to get questioned of how did he know Mingkwan's class schedule. He can't just say that he knows his schedule because he asked someone, won't he? he can't just say that he used some connections to know the younger ones class schedule.

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