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Mingkwan woke up because of banging sound in the door. He is about to yelled because he feels like someone is hugging him. He slowly opened his eyes and look at the person who are hugging his waist while his head is rested on his bare chest. That's the time when he realized that Phana is hugging him while he was half naked. He removed his shirt because it's wet last night.

“Pha! Pha! Open the door Pha!” Beam is yelling to the door while knocking so Mingkwan immediately removed the hand on his waist and lay Phana comfortably on the bed before he picked up his shirt in the bed. He wears it while walking to the door.

“Ai'Phaaaaa I swear if you don't op–” Beam's sentence was cut off when Mingkwan opened the door.

“N'Ming!” Beam is looking at Mingkwan with a shocked look on his face. Beam also saw some dark marked near Mingkwan's abdomen since when Mingkwan opened the door, he is yet to wear his shirt properly. “Shet!”

“Hello, P'Beam. P'Pha is still sleeping so he can't open the door for you.”

Beam looked at Mingkwan as if he was in the horror movie. Beam seriously know that Phana and Mingkwan did it already but seeing the marked, even if it's a little, he was too terrified. In his mind, Phana is surely wild. Mingkwan too since he knows that Phana is hurt last day. Mingkwan probably did him good.


“Yes, P'?”

“You slept here?”

Mingkwan nods his head.

“Pha, let you? He knows?” Beam asked and Mingkwan looked at Beam confused but still nod. Mingkwan actually don't know why Beam is asking those obvious question. It's clear that he slept in Phana's dorm, it's also clear the Phana knows because how can he enter the dorm without Phana's consent?

“P'Beam?” Mingkwan waves his hand in front of Beam because he never said anything after. Beam's mind is imagining things that he should not think. “What are you doing here, P'? Today P'Pha doesn't have any classes, right?”

“Ah! Yes yes.”

“So why are you here, P'? It's still early.”

“Oh, right!” Beam give the paper bag on Mingkwan and a pair of breakfast. “Here, that's Kit's notes for last day lessons. He gave it to me before leaving yesterday, he told me Pha will need it so I should gave it to Pha. I thought Pha is alone so I brought two pair of breakfast so I can eat breakfast with him but well since he is not alone, just take it and eat it with him.” Beam start walking but he only stepped three steps away when he turn his back and looks at Mingkwan again who are still standing on the door.


Mingkwan lifts his head to the front and saw Beam looking at him with his serious looked on his face.

“Why, P'Beam?”

“Pha is my friend. I knew him since we are high school and I want you to know that he is important to me and Kit.”

“I know that, P'Beam. But why are you–?”

“Please don't hurt him.”


Beam smiles at Mingkwan. “Pha might not express it openly but he likes you too, N'Ming. Phana always denied it but his actions says otherwise. I always saw him looking at you before you left the med foodcourt. Sometimes I saw him smiling while stealing glances at you.”

“P'Pha… did that?”

Beam nodded his head to the shocked Nong in front of him. “He always did, N'Ming.”

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