Lobster? Where...(EDITED)

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Throughout the day, it becomes impossible to ignore your brother's escalating power. It's in the way he casually snaps chopsticks in half during meals, or how the alarm clock now bears the mangled imprint of his fist from his morning routine. Even his movements leave a mark, with noticeably deeper footprints etching the floor with each step he takes.

While a surge of pride swells within you at his progress, frustration bubbles alongside it. The apartment is a testament to his overexertion: dented furniture, cracked walls, and a growing collection of broken objects. It's a mess, and your brother catching another cold due to pushing himself too hard only adds to your worry.

You can't hold back any longer. With a sigh, you approach him, scolding him gently. "Brother," you say, "it's amazing how strong you're getting, but maybe slow down a bit? Think of it like climbing a ladder, step-by-step." Shame washes over your brother's face, and he mutters an apology.

Despite the annoyance, you can't deny the thrill of witnessing his transformation. However, a new concern emerges. How will you adapt your living space to accommodate his growing power without transforming your home into a demolition zone? Months have passed, and a solution seems further away than ever.

With your brother's training progressing steadily, his endurance seems limitless. Now accustomed to the intense routine, he readily embraces your suggestion for a break.  Afternoon finds you both, clad in casual clothes (you in a comfy t-shirt and flip-flops), venturing to a nearby arcade – a haven untouched by the recent monster attacks.

A playful grin spreads across your face as you nudge your brother towards the punching machine.  The challenge is simple: a test of raw power.  To your mutual astonishment, your brother delivers a single, effortless punch, registering a perfect score on the machine, nearly triggering a special achievement.  Your cheers erupt, echoing through the arcade, as onlookers gather, jaws agape at the display of his newfound strength.

Next, you set your sights on a prize in the claw machine: a giant plush egg, strangely reminiscent of the beloved Gudetama character from your past life.  You point excitedly at the oversized plushie, eyes sparkling with desire.  "I want that egg!" you declare. Your brother, ever the doting sibling, readily agrees to give it a shot.

Despite some initial struggles (accompanied by a string of good-natured grumbling), your brother refuses to surrender.  Coins fly as he makes one attempt after another, his determination fueled by your excited pleas.  Finally, after a string of near misses, he skillfully maneuvers the claw, securing the plush egg.  A triumphant grin spreads across his face as he presents the prize to you, his eyes reflecting a genuine warmth.

Overcome with affection for your brother's unwavering determination, you pull him into a tight hug.  His presence is a precious anchor in this new reality.  A bittersweet pang shoots through you as you contemplate his inevitable future – the strongest man on Earth.  But the thought is quickly replaced by a fierce resolve.  You'll protect him, no matter the cost.

The arcade games continue, a whirlwind of friendly competition. Racing games and basketball hoops become a playground for your brother's newfound strength, leading to some unintended chaos and a few misplaced throws.  However, the arcade manager, instead of reprimanding you, offers a discount coupon for the excitement.  Your brother, to your amusement, beams with pride at this unexpected reward (he seems to have developed a soft spot for those discount coupons).

With rumbling stomachs calling the hour, you decide to grab some street food for dinner.  Simple yet satisfying flavors fill your senses as you savor the meal together.  Walking home, your brother's gaze is drawn to a small plant store tucked away on a side street.  He fixates on a particular plant – a tiny, round cactus nestled in a pot.  A strange sense of familiarity washes over you as you recall the scene from the anime – the one with the mosquito girl.  Intrigued by the coincidence, you decide to purchase the cactus, carrying it home with you.  Later, you place it near the window, its presence adding a touch of life to your living space, and perhaps, a subtle reminder of that strange encounter.

Returning to your humble apartment, you settle onto the floor with your brother. A lack of furniture doesn't dampen your spirits – your companionship is all you need. The evening unfolds with laughter as you watch cheesy romance and comedy movies, reveling in the predictable yet entertaining storylines.

As night falls, you exchange sleepy goodnights before drifting off to sleep on the futon, a warm contentment settling over you both.

The next morning, a delightful surprise awakens you – a sale on shellfish, particularly lobster! These delicacies are usually out of reach for your budget, but today presents a golden opportunity.  A mischievous grin spreads across your face.  You'll treat your brother to a special surprise – lobster udon, a luxurious add-on to your usual meals.

With newfound energy, you spring out of bed, throwing on clothes with a practiced ease (that trusty oppai hoodie, of course).  Grabbing your essentials – wallet, phone, and grocery list – you set off with a determined air. The supermarket, though a trek from the city center, holds the promise of fresh ingredients for your culinary creation.  Maps open on your phone screen, you ensure the most efficient route, eager to secure the coveted shellfish before they're gone. (And let's face it, your mouth is already watering at the thought.)

You arrive at the supermarket, the bustling crowds a stark contrast to the quiet of your apartment.  With a mission in mind, you weave through the shoppers, a beeline for the seafood aisle.  Your heart thrums in your chest, a frantic drumbeat fueled by the fear of missing out on the last available lobster.

Reaching the display case, you reach for the prized crustacean, only to find another hand already securing it.  Frustration bubbles up within you as you look up, expecting to meet the eyes of another eager customer.  Instead, you're greeted by the gaze of an elderly man, his back slightly hunched with age.

Despite his wrinkles and a head of white hair framing a thick mustache, he carries himself with an air of quiet strength.  He's clad in a black martial arts jumpsuit and light-colored pants, an outfit that sparks a flicker of recognition in your mind.  As you struggle to place him, a chuckle escapes his lips, catching you off guard.

Flustered, you stammer out an apology, embarrassed by your lapse in decorum.  "What is it, young lady?" he inquires, his voice surprisingly gentle and calming.  The realization hits you with the force of a thunderbolt – this man, this familiar figure… it's Bang, the legendary SilverFang, the former S-Rank Hero! But what on earth is he doing in this ordinary supermarket? (And a fun fact you recall – SilverFang likes  spiny lobster!)

Lost in your thoughts, you stare blankly into space, oblivious to the growing concern etched on Bang's face.  Did you say something wrong?  Or perhaps he wanted the lobster too?  You're about to offer him the crustacean, willing to settle for shrimp instead, when the realization of this chance encounter fully sinks in.  What revelations await in this unexpected meeting at the seafood aisle?

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