Tis Nothing but a Scratch

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Panic propelled (Y/N) from behind the building.  Her hands shot up in the air, a desperate plea for peace. "I- I come in peace!" she stammered, the words tumbling out in a rush.  Mentally she slapped herself.  'Seriously, (Y/N)? You sound like an alien greeting Earth!'

The awkward silence stretched for what felt like an eternity.  She stole a glance at Genos, his metallic face giving away nothing.  Then, a new threat emerged.  A monstrous mosquito, its body the size of a car, buzzed into view, swarms of its smaller brethren swirling around it.  Genos' gaze flickered towards the monstrous insect, then back to (Y/N).

"Look," she blurted, "I'll hide, okay?  I won't bother you while you… annihilate that thing."  She scrambled towards a nearby mailbox, a pathetic attempt at cover.  There were no cars, no buildings with open doors – just this flimsy metal box offering a false sense of security.

Genos' voice, sharp and mechanical, cut through the tense atmosphere.  "So you did know it wasn't a normal outbreak.  In fact, the monster is the leader that controls the mosquitoes.  Quite explained the mysterious behavior."  He paused, his single yellow eye boring into her.  "You have to evacuate, civilian.  This is a danger zone .  I will handle the monster."

(Y/N) flinched.  She wanted to flee, to find a safer haven than this flimsy metal box.  Images of Genos unleashing fiery attacks on the mosquito lady flashed in her mind, and the last thing she wanted was to be caught in the crossfire.  But her leg screamed in protest at the thought of another run.  And the throbbing pain in her leg comes with the damaged color of almost reddish purple mark, courtesy of Saitama's playful swat, pulsed in rhythm with her racing heart.  'Damn my weak body,' she cursed under her breath, a frustrated tear welling up in her eye.  There she was, stuck between a giant mosquito and a hero with firepower that could potentially roast her like a barbeque skewer.

The booming sound jolted (Y/N) out of her internal monologue.  Peeking hesitantly from the mailbox, she saw a fiery projectile launched by Genos, arcing towards the monstrous mosquito.  His words were lost on her, drowned out by the roar of the flames and the buzzing of the swarm.

A wave of terror washed over her as the swarm of smaller mosquitoes shifted its focus.  A writhing mass of dark dots descended upon Genos, obscuring him from view.  Instinctively, (Y/N) shrank back, wishing she could melt into the metal box for cover.

Then, a blinding flash illuminated the scene.  Fire erupted from Genos' direction, a ferocious inferno that incinerated the surrounding swarm.  The heat radiating from the flames even reached (Y/N), causing her to break out in a sweat.  She swiped a damp sleeve across her forehead, her heart pounding in her chest.

The fight unfolded with dizzying speed.  Genos, a blur of silver and fire, launched himself at the monstrous mosquito, scaling the building wall with a fiery boost.  His fist lashed out, aimed at the creature's head.  But the mosquito was agile, dodging the blow with an inhuman grace.  A razor-sharp claw swiped at Genos, leaving a furrow in his metal arm.  He countered with a blast of fire, propelling himself backwards just as the monster lunged.

The entire exchange happened in the blink of an eye.  (Y/N) could barely track their movements.  She watched, wide-eyed, as Genos landed near the mailbox, his gaze briefly flicking towards her.  A tense silence followed, broken only by the buzzing of the remaining mosquitoes.

Then, Genos pointed a glowing arm towards the sky, his face unreadable.  A single word echoed through the desolate street: "Incinerate."  Before (Y/N) could react, a torrent of fire erupted from his outstretched arm.  It wasn't a single blast, but a continuous stream of flames, roaring like a monstrous machine gun.

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