meet sum bike dude and a gamer

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As I attempted to comfort my brother by hugging him and patting his head, I was taken aback by the smoothness of his bald scalp. It felt oddly soothing, and I couldn't help but notice the light reflecting off it, almost like a mirror. I found myself staring at my own reflection in his shiny head, unsure whether to take it as an insult or a compliment. Nonetheless, the moment felt strangely comforting, despite its awkwardness.

As my brother's mood shifted to a somber state, his once lively expression transformed into a plain, monotone face like his signature face just like in the manga, an egg face perhaps. Despite this change, he remained steadfast in his training regime and hero duties. His determination seemed even stronger now, unaffected by the loss of his hair. Inspired by his resilience, I made up my mind and headed outside to join him at the front door.

"Bro! Wait!" I cried out, halting his departure. Racing towards him and he looks at me, I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace, determined to convey my unwavering support. "You're gonna be a Great Hero, Niisan!" I exclaimed, my words infused with boundless encouragement. With a final squeeze, I released him and hurried back to the front door, unknown to me the corners of Saitama's lips curling into a smile.

As I am inside the room and think, But mere words and hugs weren't enough to boost his spirits. Knowing my brother's hobbies are the love for manga and occasional gaming sessions( that fb clips I found were playing with Saitama and King on the Street Fighter? ), an idea sparked in my mind. Despite my limited funds, carefully stashed away from extra pocket money, I resolved to surprise him. After setting aside enough for essential expenses like groceries and bills, I had just enough to make his day.

As I stepped onto the bustling streets, the cacophony of voices and the array of vibrant signs overwhelmed my senses. Every corner seemed to boast expensive wares, from manga to games, leaving me disheartened about finding a good deal. Amidst the throng of people, my gaze landed on a figure wearing a protective helmet and glasses, astride a familiar-looking bike. Could it be? Was that Mumen Rider, the same guy named Satoru from before? A smile tugged at my lips as I realized he had become a hero. Wow.

Satoru or Mumen Rider just surveillance the crowd to have a safety away from the accident and sees me questionably as I walk towards him and he has a light bulb on his head Satoru and he smiles knowing me. And me closing the distance "Congrats on being an official hero! And would you look at that, you're using my coupon for buying that bike you use. Hey, that's a nice choice you made. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm (Y/N), no need to be formal," I said eagerly.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Yeah, I started as a hero officially today, and thank you for the coupon you gave me months ago. The brand ones I have are sturdy.Though, thank you again for congratulating me. You're the first one to notice," he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly as he scratched his cheek. I couldn't help but feel a protective instinct welling up inside me (mf got me mentally clenched my heart) as I saw his innocent demeanor.

In a moment of spontaneous affection, I hugged him, though it was accidental. Satoru's face turned even redder as he sheepishly got red again, "Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hug you." But his reply caught me off guard as he admitted, "Oh don't be ....To be honest, I haven't had a hug before, so it felt nice..." My heart sank at the realization that he seemed to lack companionship, yet he resembled an innocent puppy in need of care and affection. I'll adopt him then.

Satoru let out a subtle cough before inquiring, "So, what's on your agenda for today, (Y/N)?"Caught slightly off guard, I replied, "Oh, I was just planning to head to the game store to pick up some new games." Yet, inwardly, I couldn't help but feel uncertain about what to choose for Saitama.

With an eager gleam in his eye, Satoru suggested, "Well, would you like a ride on my bike? I know a great store that has good deals." His offer was a welcome one; after all, I didn't want to tire myself out walking a long way. Stepping onto the bike, I balanced myself by gently holding onto Satoru's shoulder as we set off on our journey.

The pace was deliberately slow, a precautionary measure taken for safety as we navigated through the bustling streets of the city. Satoru expertly maneuvered through the blocks and roads, guiding us along until we reached a quieter area not too far from the city center. It was a refreshing change from the constant hustle and bustle, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to explore a different part of town under Satoru's guidance.

"Wow, I didn't even know there was a place like this tucked away from the city hustle and bustle!" I exclaimed, marveling at the tranquil surroundings as I stepped away from the bike, turning to face Satoru with a grateful smile. "Thanks a bunch for the free ride, Satoru. I've got your number now, so maybe we can chat or hang out sometime," I suggested, eager to extend an invitation for potential friendship. Satoru's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. "Sure thing! I've got to dash off for hero duty now, but catch you later, miss— I mean (y/n)!" he replied cheerfully, waving before pedaling away, his figure gradually disappearing into the distance amidst the urban landscape.

Entering the store, I was greeted by a serene atmosphere, the gentle hum of air conditioning and the soft tinkling of a bell as the door closed behind me. The spacious aisles were bathed in warm, inviting light, casting a comforting glow over the rows of neatly stacked games and consoles. With fewer customers around, I relished the chance to browse at my leisure, the quiet providing a welcome reprieve from the clamor of the outside world.

Making my way to the game station, I perused the selection of handheld consoles, my eyes alighting on a sleek PSP nestled among its peers. With a quick glance at the price tag, I noted with delight that the games were on sale—a fortunate stroke of luck. Picking up the PSP though with a different name of the brand turns to SPS and goddamit with the game data I've seen it looks like it's a lot of games like uhmm 20-30 games tops and the heck the names like Fist Fighter (is that a Street Fighter?) and the heck Super Wario???? (Are u in alternate universe then), after finishing the looks and then the case I examined its sleek contours and glossy finish, hmm a right price I'll add it to my cart now.

As I found the right item to buy, But as I pivoted, my hip collided with something solid. Pain lanced up my side, making me yelp and drop the game items and clattering the floor. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I blurted, scrambling to scoop up the items already.When I straightened, I nearly choked. The person I'd run into was a giant. He towered over me by at least a foot, his broad shoulders casting a long, intimidating shadow. He wore a black hoodie, the hood pulled low, obscuring most of his face. A bright blue surgical mask, the kind with cartoon ducks plastered across it, did little to hide the impressive jut of his jawline.

Beneath the mask, a faint outline hinted at three sharp scars etched high on his cheekbone. And a stray strand of hair, escaping the confines of the hood, glinted an impossible shade of blonde in the harsh light. Huh....

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