Went to Light Coma

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Hey............ As me as a stupid dumbfuck author leaving you behind? And forgot to update the chapters, did ya think that I discontinued this beautiful fic I made for my pastimes? No...

Im very sorry 😐 for the sudden like a month of not active post, but it's a reasonable one! With my exams gone and finished and releasing my final grades on the portal! So we're on the vacay now!!!

Some you may ask what did the author doing those past weeks/month I'm doing surely playing star rail and some shit? Well that's correct!! I miss fuckin Gallagher I can't move on how could you Hoyoverse!!! But gotten Aventurine and Boothill so yay? And installing the new game Wuthering Waves with my potato phone ehehehe, so the graphics came like one of those Roblox shits or some geometry of 144p.

Do ya think that I could make a new fic for Star Rail and WuWa but not in the heavy tones more like a Reader doing some shit of side quests and live like one of those tiktoks cottagecore???(I don't have TikTok and I never will download that atrocious)

Sorry as it comes out this chapter super
shit and super short.....

Genos' powerful strides carried you through the deserted streets. You clung to his arm, his cold metal surprisingly comforting against your burning skin. Despite the urgency of the situation, his movements remained smooth, careful not to jostle your injured leg.

The rhythmic pounding of your heart echoed in your ears, punctuated by the distant buzzing of mosquitoes. Every so often, Genos would veer off, his single eye scanning the rooftops and alleyways.  Then, spotting a telltale movement – a dark swarm gathering in the distance – he would alter course.

Finally, he reached his destination: a sturdy building with a deep, shadowed alcove.  Gently, he lowered you into the recess, the cool concrete a welcome relief against the heat of the day.  The downside, however, was clear – this position offered little visibility of the fight to come.

"Stay here," he instructed, his voice firm but not devoid of concern.  "The swarm won't attack while I'm engaged."

You nodded, a silent understanding passing between you.  While you didn't relish being left behind, you knew staying out of Genos' way might be the best course of action.  With a final, reassuring glance, he launched himself towards the pulsating mass of mosquitoes, his metallic form blurring into a streak of silver.

The sound of battle echoed down the street – the roar of flames, the buzzing of insects, the clang of metal.  Curiosity gnawed at you, a battle raging just out of sight.  Taking a deep breath, you cautiously peeked out from your hiding place.

With a frustrated sigh, .  All you could do was wait, hope, and pray that Genos would emerge victorious, the monstrous mosquito lady finally vanquished.  The fate of the city, perhaps even your own, might depend on the outcome of this hidden battle.

You couldn't resist a small, muffled laugh as you peeked from your hiding spot.  There, in the distance, was your brother, Saitama, completely oblivious to the chaos unfolding around him.  He sauntered down the street, a can of mosquito repellent clutched absentmindedly in his hand.  The irony wasn't lost on you – the strongest man on Earth, perhaps even the universe, couldn't handle a simple mosquito.

An urge to call out to him, to warn him of the monstrous mosquito lady, bubbled up within you.  But then you saw their attention shift skyward, both Genos and Saitama gazing upwards in unison.  You followed their line of sight, and a strangled gasp escaped your lips.

There, hovering menacingly above, was a sight that sent shivers down your spine.  It wasn't just the monstrous mosquito lady anymore.  It was a swirling vortex of darkness, a swarm so dense it resembled a storm cloud.  Panic surged through you.  Just as you fumbled for your phone to warn Saitama, disaster struck.

Your ringtone, a cheerful melody designed to cheer you up, pierced the tense silence.  The swarm, alerted by the sudden sound, shifted its focus.  A buzzing wave of black bodies hurtled towards the source – you.

With a curse, you lunged for the silence button on your phone, your fingers fumbling uselessly in your panic.  The sound of the swarm grew louder, closer.  Ignoring the caller's name flashing on the screen, you scrambled out of your hiding spot, fear lending you a burst of adrenaline.

Genos, in the midst of analyzing the monstrous mosquito for weaknesses, was momentarily distracted by a scream.  He whipped around to see the civilian girl, the one he'd treated earlier, being chased by a swarm of mosquitoes.  She stumbled as she ran, her injured leg clearly hindering her.

Frustration bubbled up within him.  This civilian, this potential liability, was now caught in the crossfire.  Without hesitation, Genos unleashed a blast of fire, incinerating the swarm before it could reach you.  He glanced back at the bald man, Saitama, who looked a mixture of awe and surprise at the fiery display.  But more importantly, Saitama's gaze was fixed on the civilian girl – a worried frown creasing his face.  Were they related?

Saitama, initially impressed by the cyborg's display of power, was completely thrown by the unexpected appearance of his little sister.  (Y/N)? What was she doing here?  She looked terrible, her face pale and sweaty, her normally bright eyes drooping with exhaustion.

Ignoring the swarm's demise, Saitama focused solely on his sister.  He rushed towards her, his initial amusement turning into genuine concern.  He found her crumpled on the ground, her eyes fluttering closed, her breathing shallow.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" he yelled, his voice laced with panic.  He knelt beside her, a hand gently cupping her cheek.  She mumbled something incoherent, her eyelids fluttering open for a brief moment before closing again.  "(Y/N)?"

Your brother's voice faded into a distant buzzing, the world dissolving into a sea of heat and fatigue.  Everything felt heavy, your limbs leaden, your vision blurring.  With a final, desperate whisper of "Brother?" you surrendered to the darkness, the events of the day finally catching up to you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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