I support you as always...

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Buckle cuz didn't know it had that gotten made that long in this chapter bruh.... I just heard some random song while I type this chapter

Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00 a.m -1978

You balanced your container of [random food/perhaps a steaming hot dog or a refreshing fruit salad] precariously on your lap as you and Gema strolled through the park. The rhythmic quacking of ducks filled the air as you found a bench near a shimmering pond, settling down with a grateful sigh. Conversation flowed easily, a welcome change from the earlier shopping frenzy. You shared your passion for drawing, while Gema regaled you with tales of epic gaming adventures. You even playfully teased him about becoming a pro-gamer, sparking a shared laughter over obscure gaming references.

Suddenly, a wistful sigh escaped your lips. "Honestly," you murmured, barely audible, "I kinda miss playing Honkai: Star Rail."

Gema's head snapped towards you, his surprise evident even through the mask. "Miss playing Star Rail?" he echoed, confusion lacing his voice. "But it just came out a month ago?"

Your jaw nearly hit the ground. "Two months ago?" you stammered, disbelief warring with a flicker of hope. "What do you mean? I haven't played it in... well, a very long time." You pressed Gema for details, bombarding him with questions about release dates and game companies. He patiently explained everything, and to your utter astonishment, all existed here, seemingly untouched and unchanged.– the familiar titles of Cookie Run (Both OvenBreak and Kingdom), Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Punishing: Gray Raven (PGR!), Alchemy Stars, and even Arknights all rolled off his tongue. The sheer improbability of it all left you breathless.

The implications hit you like a freight train. Did your gaming accounts even exist in this new life? A wave of panic washed over you. What if all your progress, all those painstakingly earned characters and items, were gone? All the tears, the grinding, the sheer dedication...vanished? As an F2P player, building a strong account took immense effort. The thought of losing it all sent a fresh wave of anger coursing through you.

You sank deeper into the bench, frustration etched on your face, oblivious to Gema's growing concern. He studied you with a mixture of worry and curiosity, unsure of what had triggered this sudden shift in your mood.

And then you just go continue the chat and just completely your moods a second ago, you and Gema come up and share vice versa about the neat tricks and some guides of where the treasure locates and hidden quest from Genshin ehehe (is it considered cheating when you have all of the knowledges?) and oh boy Gema wondered if you're an expert of that?

A glance at your phone screen sent a jolt of surprise through you. It was already late afternoon! Time had flown by as you chatted with Gema, the conversation a delightful blend of shared hobbies and easy laughter.

"Oh my gosh, look at the time!" you exclaimed, a touch of panic creeping into your voice. "We've been here for hours! I should really head home."

Gema nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it's getting late. Maybe we should exchange numbers? That way we can continue our gaming discussions."

Relief washed over you. The thought of losing touch with Gema, especially after such a pleasant afternoon, was disquieting. "Absolutely! Here, let me put yours in."

The two of you exchanged numbers with a smile, a silent promise to continue the conversation later. As you started walking back towards the bustling streets, Gema fell into step beside you, their towering presence drawing a few curious glances.

The height difference between you two was certainly noticeable, earning concerned looks from some passersby. You, with your youthful appearance, seemed especially vulnerable next to the imposing figure of Gema. However, their concern quickly morphed into something else as they got a closer look.

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