Oh golly damn u popular

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1 hour earlier at the Hero Association

In a room bustling with heroes of all ranks, from the lowly C-class to the esteemed S-class, And one of those programs is one of the upcoming rookies to welcome the association. Among them, Terrible Tornado, known by her hero alias, Tatsumaki, hovered at the room on the higher floor with an air of disdain.

"Why must we waste our time with this nonsense?" she scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt. "Are we supposed to provide some grandiose welcome to these newbies? It's absurd! The higher-ups should handle this themselves. I have far more important matters to attend to!."

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Tatsumaki turned her attention back to the glass panel, observing the gathering of fresh-faced rookies below. Despite her outward annoyance, her keen eyes betrayed a hint of curiosity about the newcomers and what they might bring to the association.

Zombieman, known only by his hero alias, slouched on one of the sofas, his expression a mix of irritation and boredom. "I thought this was some kind of emergency. Turns out it's just another one of their casual gatherings. Ugh, I need a smoke," he muttered to himself, reaching for his pack of cigarettes, but got none as it got him irritated more as the vein appears in his temple. Just mumbles.

Meanwhile, SilverFang, known for his martial prowess and wisdom, sat nearby at the table, sipping on a cup of warm tea. Despite the seemingly mundane nature of the meeting, he remained calm and composed. "Hmm, I see potential in these young ones," he remarked thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the room. "With the right guidance, they could blossom into formidable heroes."

Among the array of esteemed heroes, including Tanktop Master, Atomic Samurai, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Flashy Flash, King, Watchdog Man, Superalloy Darkshine, and Pig God, there was a notable absence of two figures: Metal Knight (Bofoi) and Drive Knight.

However unknown to the heroes, the most striking absence was that of the number one ranked hero, Blast. Rarely seen in public or at Hero Association gatherings, Blast was known for his reclusive nature. Yet, there he was, leaning casually against the balcony wall, observing the proceedings below with a quiet intensity. It was a rare sight indeed to witness the legendary hero in such a relaxed state, seemingly taking a break or enjoying a brief respite from his duties.

Inside the room, the atmosphere was filled with the buzz of conversation and the occasional burst of laughter. Despite the gathering of powerful S-rank heroes, the mood was surprisingly light, devoid of any tension or apprehension.

Amidst the lively chatter, a phone call suddenly pierced through the ambient noise, drawing the attention of the heroes present.

The sudden interruption caused a ripple of tension among the gathered heroes. Suspicion hung heavy in the air as they exchanged wary glances, each one silently questioning the identity of the unknown caller. SilverFang's expression remained unreadable as he retrieved his phone from his pocket, his brow furrowing slightly at the sight of the unfamiliar number on the screen.

The heroes, excluding SilverFang, bristled with apprehension, their senses heightened as they prepared for any potential threat. It was highly unusual for someone to have SilverFang's number without authorization, especially considering the sensitive nature of their work. The possibility of an unknown adversary targeting one of their own sent a chill down their spines, and they stood ready to act at a moment's notice.

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