Holy Shit!! It's the first ep pt.1

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The morning sun streamed through the window of the Z-City apartment, painting golden stripes across the worn furniture.  Birds chirped a cheerful tune outside, their melody mingling with the gentle hum of the air conditioner.  Despite the idyllic setting, the apartment felt strangely quiet.

For the past three years, (Y/N) had grown accustomed to the constant presence of her brother, Saitama.  He wasn't a man of many words, but his silent companionship filled the emptiness of their tiny apartment.  However, today, the couch opposite her futon remained vacant.  Saitama was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N) stretched languidly, the comfortable softness of the futon molding to her form.  She reached for her phone, nestled beside her on the pillow.  A notification blinked on the screen – a message from her friend Gema.  A grin spread across her face as she unlocked the phone, the familiar icon of Honkai Star Rail launching with a tap.

"Neh Gema," she typed, her fingers flying across the screen, "you're so lucky you got Acheron already and you even got her signature lightcone!  Not even 10 pity rolls in?!  With that kind of luck, you've probably collected all the released characters by now.  Ugh, you're not even a pay-to-play player!"  A tinge of playful jealousy colored her message.

Gema's response came almost instantly.  "Yep, got all the characters up to the new update.  Didn't I tell you that?" he wrote, followed by a series of laughing emojis.  "But hey, you got Gallagher already, and you E4'd him in record time!  Didn't you rant about wanting him like, what was it you said?  'Would gacha gods bless me with this glory barista daddy?'  Classic you, (Y/N). So how's your story quest from the new update, did you see from the end when Sunday interacts with Gallagher, didn't know that he -"

"Shush, don't spoil me!"  (Y/N) fired back, a playful frown etched on her face.  "I'm not even past the boss fight with Aventurine yet!  Don't you dare tell me a single word about what happens with Sunday and Gallagher.  Hush!"

Their conversation continued, a flurry of messages filled with strategies for conquering bosses and bragging rights about the latest character pulls.

A sudden crackle erupted from the television, jolting (Y/N) from her phone conversation.  The once lively news broadcast was replaced by a flurry of static, the frantic reporter's voice fading into a distorted hum.  Her gaze flicked to the screen, a frown creasing her forehead.

"As you can see, massive explosions are going off behind me! The monster is wrecking destruction on an unprecedented scale. While the Association's assessment is still underway, it is already cle-"

Saitama didn't waste another second.  He stretched his arms lazily, a bored sigh escaping his lips.  "Guess I'll go check it out."

"Huh, that's weird," she muttered, reaching for the remote to check the connection.  Just then, Saitama, clad in his familiar hero suit, emerged from his room.

He sauntered over to (Y/N), who was still staring curiously at the static-filled screen.  "Oi, (Y/N)," he said, his voice flat.  "I'll be off to deal with some monster.  Maybe grab some (favorite food) on the way back."  He winked playfully.

"Good luck, bro!" (Y/N) called out, a smile gracing her lips.  She waved as Saitama opened the door.

Bidding farewell to Gema, who was swamped with some kind of  duties, (Y/N) shut her phone with a sigh.  With nothing pressing on her schedule, a creative urge seized her.  She grabbed her trusty sketchbook, flipping through the pages until she landed on a blank one.  Inspiration struck, and her hand danced across the paper, bringing to life a dynamic portrait of Zombieman.

The hero posed heroically, one hand resting nonchalantly on the shoulder of his signature long-bearded axe, with splatters of blood staining Zombieman's bandages and a hint of grit on his face.  A cigarette dangled from his lips, adding a touch of cool defiance to his expression.

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