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"In the last episodes the Killer Swimmers lost the challenge and we said bye to Tyler! Who will be the next camper to leave the island? Who will win the challenge? Someone will get hurt? Discover everything here, on... TOTAL. DRAMA. THE. LAKE!"

"I'm not sure this will fit my diet..." Carter complains playing with the food.

"Right? Every time I came here I have the same problem." Lindsay agree.

"Did you finish this?" Owen asks to his teammates after finishing his breakfast.

"It's all yours buddy." The athlete says pushing his portion towards the blonde.

"Campers!" Chris says over the speakers. "You have 20 minutes to finish the breakfast! So be fast!"

"Well, it's not like someone was enjoy this..." Cheryl comments.


"Seriously, how can I survive so long with this... Thing? I can't even call it food..."


"Good morning campers, hope you enjoyed the breakfast." Chris says with a diabolic smile.

"It was amazing." April says sarcastic.

"Good to know." The host walks near the campers. "Today's challenge is very easy. I will divide the teams in two parts. Half of the team will plays as the scarers and the other half as the victims. The scarers job is to scare the victim of the other team and the victim job is to not get scared. When all the victim of a team will be scared the team lose. Some questions?"

"I have." Morgan says raising his hand.

"None. Good." Chris says smiling. "Cheryl, Heather, Owen, Noah and Geoff will be the scarers of the Screaming Divers, while Carter, April, Trent and Izzy will be the scares of the Killer Swimmers. Victims, go to do whatever you wants but remember. Try to not get scared!"


"This doesn't sounds good for me." DJ complains.

"I dare people to try to scare me, I'm not scared of anything." Duncan says crossing his arms in front of his chest.


"Can I go with you? I think we will get less scared if we are together." DJ asks to Morgan.

"Uhm... Sure. Why not?" Morgan answer before walking away with the guy following him.

"We have a huge advantage." Alejandro says happy. "Half of the victim of the other team are easy to get scared."

"Yes, the only problem would probably be Gwen, but I'm sure the other will think of something." Leshawna says.

"I hope so. April and Trent aren't sure scaring people. But Izzy crazyness is surely something." Courtney voices her thoughts.


"This is clearly sabotage." Heather complains. "Cheryl, Owen and Geoff are some the nicest persons here, they will never be able to scare someone. And Noah... Ugh... Don't let me even start talking about him.

"I'm not sure I'm able to scare people." April says. "I will probably try with DJ, he's the easiest."


"I have a great idea! Izzy have an idea!" Izzy exclaims excited. "Can I do it? Can I do it?"

"Sure Izzy, do whatever is needed." Trent says with a smile and the read head run away.

"You sure is a good idea? We already have one scares less." Carter asks.

"Don't worry. It's better like that."

"We need a plan now." April says.

"Scare Cody, Bridgette and DJ will be pretty easy. I don't know about Morgan, but with Gwen it will be hard."

"Gwen's greatest fear is being buried alive. Maybe we can play with that." April suggests.

"Yeah. We can try." Trent agrees.

"How do you know that?" Carter asks.

"Oh, I saw all the past seasons so I know the game and the campers very well." The only girl explain.

"Ok, let's do this."


"Owen already tried to scare me three times, it's starting to get annoying." Courtney complains.


Owen jump out of a three with an hokey mask screaming and Courtney looks at him with a straight face.

"And four." She says.

"Oh, come on. I surely scared you a little did I?" Owen asks but Courtney denies it. "Ow..."

"I'm sure you will be lucky next time." She pats his head. "If you change victim."

"Ah! Someone is trying to kill Courtney!" DJ scream running away from the two.

"Wait DJ! It's just Owen!" Morgan tries to call him. "Oh... It's useless..."

"And DJ is out!" Chris says trough the speaker.

"Well... It wasn't that bad." Courtney says laughing, looking at Owen.


"Great. We already lost a player without the other team effort." Morgan complains.


"It's look like that whatever Izzy is doing is working." Carter says while he finish covering Trent with toilet paper.

"Bridgette and Cody are coming." April tells them. "Now!"

Trent jumps out of the bushes in front of Bridgette making strange noises.

The two start screaming and runs away.

"And Bridgette and Cody are out! Looks like the Screaming Divers have some problems!" Chris announces before laughing.


"Why I'm always in a team full of idiots?!" Heather complains before screaming angry.

"Easy like steal Candy's from a toddler." Courtney says satisfied.


"Ehi Noah!" Lindsay cheer her friend. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking... What about a new cut?" He asks her showing a pair of scissor.

"Ah! No! Please! I don't want it!" Lindsay run away scared.

"Easy." Noah says.

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