Chapter 16

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Jazz's P.O.V

I sat down next to Taylor in her hosiptal room. I walked here by myself just to see her. You could say I miss her a lot. I silently watched her, hoping by some miracle she would wake up.
As if Primus had heard my thoughts, Taylor groaned and she slowly sat up. I was shocked at first but jumped up and hugged her. I felt her tense up but She relaxed again once she saw it was me and she hugged me back.
"Hey" She greeted, her voice a bit hoarse.
"I've missed you" I whispered in her ear
"Wait, what happened?" She asked.
I let go of her and thought about how I would answer that.
" fell through the ice and got what the docters called hypothermia. I guess after you came here you fell into a coma. You've been here for a month now" I answered best I could.
She looked surprise "I was really in a coma for a month?"
"Are the others all right?"
I nod and smile "We all just miss you."
"Even the cons?" She asked
I think for a moment "Yeah, they might not act like it but I think they do"
She smiled "well im happy to be back then"


Me and Jazz were on our way home from the hosiptal. Its a really long walk but who cares, Im excited to see the others. None of them know I woke up, We decided to surprise them.
As we were walking Jazz grabbed my wrist and stopped me.
I looked at him, "Jazz, something wrong?"
"No, I-I just need to ask you something"
"Well, I, um, am wondering if you would..." He thought a bit, almost like thinking how to word it.
"Be my girlfriend?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled. "Yeah, I would be glad to."
He smiled and kissed me, which took me off guard at first but I then kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist.
We were like that for a while before we separated and continued walking home, hand in hand.

Time Skip.....
We walked up to my house and opened the door. Instantly all eyes were on us. The bot twins dropped their plates of food and hugged me tight. Blaster and Shaye joined as well, heck even Jazz and the con twins did. The only one who wasn't hugging me was Soundwave who was in the corner watching us, basically being his normal self. Well, at least he had a smile on his face.
"Guys....Can't....Breath...Let...Go" I said between breaths. They all let go but were still surrounding me.
'I don't need my parents to be happy' I think to myself and look at the people surrounding me 'This right here is my new family'

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