Chapter 3

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Taylor's P.O.V

I walked into my house after school and was surprised to see all of the boys asleep in the living room. I shrugged and went upstairs, throwing my bag on the floor by my closet. I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling for Primus knows how long. I was interrupted by Jazz who was standing in the doorway.
"Hey Jazz, what can I help you with?" I asked sitting up. Before he could answer I heard loud knocks on the door downstairs.
"Scrap" I muttered and ran downstairs, Jazz following. Blaster and the twins looked at me confused.
I stood their confused at what to do with them, I knew it was Caitlyn at the door and she would freak of she knew I had 4 boys living with me.
"Uh, Everyone go in my room, don't come out till I say" I ordered. They went upstairs and I opened the door.
"About time you answered" Caitlyn said walking into the house.
" Yeah, lets just get this project done and over with" I sighed. She sat on the couch and pulled out the project for history due tommorow. I sat next to her and we worked on it for a hour before it was finally finished.
Before Caitlyn could ask anymore or do anything, I shoved the project in her bag, handing her it, and pushing her out the door.
I cut her off by slamming the door.
I sighed in relief and went upstairs to tell the boys they were allowed to come back out of my room.
I got to my room and all four looked at me with confused looks.
"What was that all about?" Blaster asked.
" Yea, you just forced us to your room" Jazz said (Sorry but I can't write as Jazz very well).
"Well my friend kinda made me let her come over to work on a project for school...If she saw you guys she would freak so I thought it would be best to hide you guys" I answered.
"Ok" the twins say together tha dashed downstairs. Blaster groaned than followed his cassettes, leaving me and Jazz in my room. I sat on my bed and looked at him "Aren't you going to follow the others?" I asked.
"Nah, they'll surive without me" He answered sitting on the other end of the bed. I chuckled and looked at the floor. I couldn't help but think he was pretty hot, 'wait, what am I thinking?' I asked myself. My cheeks started to turn red at my thoughts.
'Really? Im blushing cuz of my own thoughts' I mentally sighed.
"Are ya alright?" Jazz asked,noticing my cheeks turning red.
"Yeah, im alright, just thinking" I answered.
He nodded and a awkward silence filled the air.
"Hey Jazz, earlier before my friend got here you wanted to speak with me, what was that about?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"It dosent matter now"
"Are you sure"

Soon after our little conversation I layed down on the bed and went into a half sleep. Last thing felt and heard was a blanket being pulled over me than silence footsteps leaving the room before I fell in a deep sleep.

Im not really proud of this chapter but I hope you like it :)

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