Chapter 10

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Taylors P.O.V

I woke up to a phone ringing from downstairs. I looked at the clock, 3:32am. Who would be calling at this time?
I ran downstairs and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I greeted like a question.
3 minutes later I hung up the phone. It was the school calling to say it was a snow day because there was a lot of snow and ice. I grabed my jacket and slipped on my shoes to see it for myself.
I stepped outside and was instantly greeted by the bitter coldness. Outside the world was white. On the ground their was at least 4 inches of snow and the roads looked covered in ice. I sat down on the porch step admiring the view.
I few minutes later I hear the door open up from behind me. I looked and saw Jazz. He sat next to me and looked at all the snow.
"What is all of this?" He asked.
"It's snow, we get a lot of it here" I answered.
We both looked at the scene silently. "Hey Jazz?" I asked nervously.
"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, why did you kiss me that one day?" I asked.
He smiled slightly and looked at me
"Ain't it obvious Taylor? I like you.... a lot actually. More than I thought was possible"
I blushed red at his words. 'So he does like me'
I smile "Good, cuz I like you to, more than I thought possible" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.
He tensed a bit at first but relaxed. He wrapped a arm around my waist. We stayed that way for a while, Just me and him.
Soon, I started to get sleepy.
"Jazz?" I asked again.
"Yea Tay?"
"I love you" I said before closing my eyes and leaning more against him.
"I love you to" He said before I fell asleep.
Its short, ik,but I felt like It was enough. I will have 2 more chapters up tonight as a gift for my sisters birthday or 1 tonight and 1 tommorow morning.
Hope you all enjoy this :)

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