Chapter 5

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Taylors P.O.V

Its been 3 days since the fight with the twins, and Im grateful their hasn't been another one. It was Tuesday now and I was at school. It was Lunch and I sat at a table with Caitlyn,Cory, and 2 of our other friends Riley and Jacklynn. Riley was 18 with long black hair and brown eyes. Jacklynn was 19, like me, and had short red hair with eyes that changed color with what she was wearing, today they were a light green.
My friends seem to noticed I was barely eating and looked like I was in deep thought, which I really was.
"Whats wrong with you Tay? You've been somewhat distance since Monday?" Cory asked shaking me gently to snap me out of it.
"Nothing...Just thinking about something" I answered.
"For 2 flipping days!?" Riley asked raising a eyebrow.
I nodded. Truth is, I haven't been able to keep Jazz off my mind, no matter how many times I mentally kicked myself. I looked at my food while they all shared worred glances for me. "Tay, you've been acting quite strange lately, it's starting to worry us. Is something happening that your not telling us?" Jacklynn asked calmly from next to me.
"Why would I ever Lie to you guys?" I joked smiling, hoping that would keep them from worrying about me for a while. It seemed to work for now and they all went back to eating and talking. All I did was poke at my food till lunch was over, then I threw my plate away and went to 5th hour advisory.
In 5th, 6th, and 7th hour I sat my chair playing with my pencil till each hour was over. Everytime I thought about Jazz I would mentally kick or slap myself. 'What has gotton into me, This never happen before' I thought as I headed to my locker after 7th hour. I grabed my bag and Jacklynn and Riley met me at the door of the school.
"Mind if we walk with you since we don't live that far away from each other?" Jacklynn asked.
"Sure Jackie" I said with a slight smile. They both smiled as we walked.
"Hey do people feel when they lets say in love?" I asked the two. They both grabed one of my arms and stopped.
"Is that's why you've been acting weird? You like someone!?" Riley asked in a excited tone.
My cheeks turned a deep red, "I never said that! I was just wondering!"
"She's blushing!" Jacklynn pointed out excited. "That means she does like someone!"
I facepalmed "Yes ok, I do, tell anyone and I'll personally kill and bury you" I threatened.
"We won't tell a soul" Riley said, "So...Who is it?"
"That, I ain't telling no one" I said as I started walking again. Jackie and Riley started waking and keeping pace with me. "Come on, you can trust us" Riley pleaded.
"No, and thats final!"
"Fine" they both say, giving up.
We walked in silence then we reached Rileys home.
"Bye guys" She waved before running inside, leaving me and Jacklynn.
"Shes gone, will you please tell me who you have a crush on?" Jackie asked
"You'll probably know eventually, can we just drop the topic?" I asked. She nods and we walk to her house in silence. We reached her house and she gave me a small hug before running inside.
As I walked the rest of the way home the temperature seemed to drop, which was normal in Michigan, the temperature is always changing. I wrapped me arms around myself to keep warm since I forgot my extra jacket. I got home and let me tell you, I was freezing. I took off my shoes and left my bag by the door. I looked around the house, the twins and Blaster were asleep but I couldn't find Jazz, where was he?
All of a sudden I felt warm arms wrap around my arms. This startled me, making me jump. I looked up and saw Jazz, Instantly I started to blush and I looked back down.
"So, there you are, now why are you hugging me?" I asked.
"You looked cold" He answered.
I blushed even more.
"Jazz, thats what blankets are for"
I felt him shrug and set his head on my shoulder. I begain to blush even more, if that was even possible.
"Why are you blushing?" Jazz smirked.
"Well..your hugging me an-" I froze as he turned me around so I was looking him in the eyes. By now my cheeks were burning red.
He cut me off by putting his lips to mine. I completely froze now. He separted his lips from mine smirking and walked away to the others who were still in a deep sleep, leaving me frozen in my place. 'What just happen?'

Eek, im so happy with this chapter :) hope y'all like it

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