7 - Pieces of The Mind

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"So after you killed a bunch of Mexicans, you were knocked out?" Tommy always has the questions in his eager mind, "Indeed I was, and your father here knows the man who did it." The two of them looked directly at me, my puffy mouth full of smoke from cigarettes was intoxicating my supply of oxygen. I had to cough it up a bit before wiping my lips, "Yea, I know the man." He appeared in my mind after realizing my story was cut off short, "He was an important figure in my side of the story." I said amongst the two, "He was impossible to have existed too."

The local Indians nearby Respinto were just the start of a terrible month. Apparently, impersonating the Mayor had dire consequences on land and sea for them folks. The way they lived was similar to the Mexicans in a way, perhaps it was Natives you fought Adem? But besides that, I knew I was in deep trouble when I noticed a bounty had appeared on my head. I say this in the words of my worst enemy. "Held accountable for the kidnapping of the mayor, Forcing man to widow, Undesirable conduct of Citizenship, and Mass Adultery, 3rd degree."

The things people said were so easy to believe in. Even the law took peoples lives as my own, just like a good friend of mine, Wyatt Earp.

"Ain't no way you met the one and only Wyatt Earp Paw, you two are just telling a thing!" Adem would look at Tommy before I glared at them, giving a mean nasty look. "As I said before, I ain't finished yet boy."

But anyways, Wyatt Earp. I managed to meet him at a Corral, not that corral but a different one at best. Had the best luck I had ever seen before moving to the Sonara. If he was here right now he could pay his way to un-cripple your father Adem, he too was in that war. That son could pull out a five of a kind and get everyone's dirty riches. They misbehave once or try to get all mean with him, his tin star of a badge knew its place, either you die by him or he arrested ya, no big deal.

Me and him got along real well when I got accused of such things at the time. He understood my situation involving my second wife, and the one that got hanged of course. Wyatt Earp gave me a single sentence that forever burned into my memory. "Remember this, and remember this well." The best piece of advice I ever gotten from him. I still even get tears thinking about it to this day.

We negotiated with the natives of a peace treaty amongst the town of Respinto and the recent decay of that orphanage. Wyatt Earp helped me this far out before having to travel back to America, I said my goodbyes before having to meet my destiny on my own. The natives were looking for a man, his name was Terry Black. Not to confused him for Terry White. My search however was unfortunate. But this was the beginning of some fortune in my end.

I looked in the saloon, it burned down.
My eyes pondered the lonely shed near Coal Creek. It burnt down.
Although I ain't the holy type, I searched the church in Lizbano. Now it's nothing but ash.
Finally, exploring the sheriffs office in Respinto led to an unfortunate demise of Larry Summit.

As you two can guess, I was quite the globetrotter for the feller. Even meeting a few of my old Pals in Quile. They weren't so happy seeing me but we had good terms between one another. The natives last demand of search was the trenches near the Tetero Sea, west of Lizbano. That is when I saw him. Terry White.

"Terry!" I shouted. "Get your ass down here right now you son of a bi-."

There was a fatal flaw to my plan however. Terry had the high ground with his men around a trench. Worst thing was, Terry Black was right behind me as I heard his revolver cock back behind my beloved skull.

His words were to relentless, absolutely struck fear in me. "Looking for me huh?" He scoffed at me with ignorance, "you ain't nothing but a poor joke, looking for someone who is already dead!" His muzzle was right on my skull as my body shook. My hands raised from my waist, giving them the signal of peace. The trench below awaited me as I couldn't help but feel the startling feeling that I was being watched the whole damn time this was happening, someone far off knows what is about to happen to me, ain't they Adem?

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