8 - Mistaken Identity

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It was foolish for me to even go after this feller, such a man as Terry Black is known for its infamous ill gotten gains. "You do mean head of Oil production right?" Adem looked at me with a strange look, "All he ever did was cling onto the owners lap and suck it all up with him." "Yea," I spoken back to him as I leaned back in my chair, "Everyone knew that, but his other side business was far more illegal than any outlaw I've encountered at the time." "Well then, why don't you tell us then." I smirked back at the two, taking a swig of my beer bottle before nodding, "Sure thing Partners."

Terry Black, Terry Black. Has his mind out of whack, they said. He was incredibly known for his countless crimes of Adultery. His main talent was stealing wives from folks who wanted peace in their lives. Either way, it was a win-win for each party. His own funds working with the oil company only aid his criminal record, even going as far as to talking to the big man himself for a better paycheck, they said.

All of it is a tale told from the years. Nobody knew if it was true or not. Except for the Adultery part, and a bit of incest related 'accidents' in his bloodline. The biggest crime down here was Adultery, outweighing murder and robbery at the same time. He knew his way to get away with it, but as I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor man. Even if he had his barrel aimed between my very eyes.

"I reckon you came here for me didn't you?" He asked me as I was bound to rope behind my back. "You ain't claiming my bounty like any other bounty hunter," he continues to speak, "In fact, you're looking for someone else." His words confused me in the end as I looked up at the man. And by god I swear he was at least this tall and as bulky as a bull! "You're looking for my Step brother, Terry Black."

The hell is going on here? I asked him politely, his words are more confused after realizing his huge size. I'm scared he would crush my head with his elbow if I said the wrong thing here. "My name is Terry Black," he spoken to me with a lighter tone this time, "but the man you are after is Black Terry." I couldn't tell the difference between the two, but then I saw he bent his own revolver in half for some odd reason. "You ain't worth a bullet of mine," he spoke once more, "Nor a revolver of mine."

"So the man was actually Black Terry?" Tommy asked the question, his curious question was very questioning. "That was the actual man I was looking for," I spoke to Tommy, "getting rid of him would get a lot off of my mind, and would help out the local natives who are in dire need of homes." He tilted his head at me, "You're doing this for the natives," And, "Does this confirm my suspicions of doing wrong can be right?" "Oh course," I rubbed his head before patting his back, "Without wrong, then everything we do will all be right won't it? Without a balance of both, then life would be entirely pointless."

I let out a sigh before sniffing, such a sad thought. But as I continued to let Terry Black talk, he mentioned a familiar name. Eden, my wife. The name would send chills down my spine, just saying that name would make me feel her presence again, watching over me. "I know what it's like to lose," he said to me with a hand in my back, "And I know what it's like to help as well." Knowing full well he meant no harm, even if he was an outlaw, I managed to convince him to help me find Black Terry.

"Thing is," Adem began to speak, cutting me off. "Black Terry was in Mexico, Makero." I sighed before smiling at him, "Let me guess, you killed the big man himself didn't you?" He shook his head before tapping his chest, "That is where his barrel was," his face turned sour, "His shotgun was right on my chest, cocked back and ready to blow." This conversation goes silent before I rubbed his back softly, "I knew such stories in Mexico," a grin befalls my face, "It changes men into savages that unleash their true colors." He smiles a bit, followed by a small chuckled before resting back in his seat, "I believe you're right on that part." Before I was able to talk again, a question pondered my mind, "What savagery did you act upon Adem?"

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