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"Who are you" he asked coldly.

"doesn't matter, you're safe, that's what matters" she replied boldly.

He tucked his hand in his pockets, and came closer to her.

"I asked who are you"

she tucked her hand in her pockets , and came closer to him.

"I said doesn't matter, you got the person who wanted to kill you, that's it, you don't need to know my identity"

He maintained his cold reaction once again and asked.

"why did you save me? You see how wealthy I am is that the reason you saved me?"

This made her anger boil, but she kept her cool.

"you are a very wealthy man but still couldn't protect yourself" she replied calmly.

Guards tried to come near her, but jimin signaled not to.

"if there was someone other than you, I would have saved them too. Its not just you." She said again.

Jimin smiled a little and took a few steps back and maintained his distance.

"how did you know he was going to kill me?" he questioned.

"ahh.. you ask too many questions" she got irritated.

"you see I've got brilliant observation skills, I was sitting at the table on your left hand side, and saw him keeping an eye on you, when he got up to go washroom and came out with his one hand on his back, so that's how the situation seemed fishy" she spoke fluently.

This made jimin furious.

"how did he get in when he had a knife?" he yelled at his bodyguards.

"he was inside before you and your "protectors" came here" she said sarcastically.

Jimin looked at her with a cold but soft gaze, he ran his fingers through his hair while not taking his eyes off her.

"I don't think your bodyguards are able to protect you" she said with a little smirk and jimin looked away.

He again took a few steps towards her but this time she took a few steps back and said.

"not every time" she said and turned to leave.

But she stopped as she remembered something.

"and yeah, don't try to get information about my identity" she said as she saw jimin was saying something to his bodyguard.

"it's of no use" she left after saying that.

*how did she know I was about to tell my guard to get her info*

"Find who she is, I want every inch of detail about her" he said.

*how did she talk to me with those confident eyes staring at mine, no one dares to talk to me that way * jimin thought rubbing is jawline in frustration.


He was panting while running into the woods, hiding from the guards looking for him.

When he turned around he saw that the woman fell down, as her ankle sprained so she couldn't get up, everything was dark and blurry.

"Gooo... don't wait for me.. goooo" She yelled.

He ran a safe distance, while some guards smacked a rock on her head, and she laid lifeless on the ground.

"noo..!!!" he screamed.

He woke up abruptly from his deep sleep, sweating heavily although the AC kept the room as cool as ice.

His guards rushed inside.

"sir, are you alright??" they were concerned.

" I am" He was panting when he answered, you can leave.

They left. 

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