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With the blink of an eye he kneeled on one knee with a bouquet in his hand which he picked up from the chair. The bouquet contained mesmerizing rose flowers and in the middle of the bouquet laid on the flowers was a kitten, an opened ring box on her tummy, while she looked at Ha Yeon with her doe eyes.

She kept her hand on her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

"Will you join me in a lifelong journey of love, commitment, and shared dreams, becoming my partner in this beautiful adventure of life? Will you be MY gentle assassin for the rest of my life?" He asked as tears made their was in his eyes, sparkling.

"yes" she said and nodded while she was getting overwhelmed with the joy she was feeling.

He picked up the ring box and She picked up the kitten, he then slid the ring on her finger, while tears made their way to his cheeks. He stood up and he hugged her tight. Memories of the past flashed before his eyes which were not so pleasant, but he shut his eyes tight and was lost in her embrace.

After some moments they broke the hug, wiped their tears, kept the kitten in the kitty box and swayed to the slow music once again.

"this is the most beautiful moment of my life... until we marry.."

"and what about after the wedding?"

"our wedding day would be the most memorable day of my life and then the life onwards.. In which you will be in my arms everyday.. How can it not be beautiful" he said in a most loving tone possible.

She smiled.

They parted. Ha yeon roamed around his cabin, which seemed to glow in the candle light and the moonlight. She went towards his desk and sat on his chair.

"wow... this is so comfortable" she rested her head on the backrest and closed her eyes for some moments.

"thank you my gentle assassin" he said and chuckled.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. Her eyes dropped to a photo frame of her holding a mini cake he sent, the morning of their 3rd meeting on his roof. She picked it up.

"awww... you have my photoframe in here" her eyes started to tear up.

He came closer to her and kneeled before her on both of his knees. He looked in her eyes and spoke.

"you are the most precious person I have in my life after my dad, he loved me more than anything else and I love you more than you can imagine... after what happened to me, I thought I would never fall in love again until I found you... you don't even know how much you mean to me" he said with a tender tone.

She started crying, while he hugged her tightly and rubbed her back.

*he loves me so much now... yet he didn't accept me in the past... so unfair...*

He smelled like musk which made her forget everything she was thinking. She loved that scent so much that she inhaled audibly.

"ha yeon??"

"did you just?... sniff me?" he asked in a confused tone while breaking the hug.

She was embarrassed, she hid her face in her palm, to which he laughed out loud.

"yahh.. Stop laughing" she said shyly.

"you love my scent don't you?" he said wearing a mischievous smile .

"yahhh... start laughing" she said irritated with his smirk.

They both started to laugh.

"so tell me where are you from" he said.

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